Pretty simple you can just look in your inventory to see which special equipment for which forms you already have.
The demons are always in the areas where the story of that form takes place, so if you are missing Fox equipment for exsample the Demon would be in the forest/ruins area somewhere.
Human and Kitsune forms have no equipment.
The Special Equipment also is classified as a unique Item so it may be that your are missing one of them.
The six Items should be: Dog Shampoo, Ring of Fortune, Shrinking Cheese, Cat Equipment, Dog Equipment and Mouse Equipment.
For the coins its hard to say which one your are missing. There is one hidden in a closet, in teh same building where you found the dog shampoo, tahts one is pretty missable i would assume.
Again, its a bit mean hidden, you can walk behind the crates/boxes.
Hope that helps!