Okay the idea is really cool, but executed very poorly.
You don't really need the nostalgia shift at all in the game, the teen is the best, because it can kill anyone, the adult can only bribe normal people, not police, and the dash is useless.
Also the game is really boring, you just spam the attack with the teen, move right and win.
This game would work a lot better a level based platformer, maybe you can bribe the enemies, attack some switches, blocks and stuff and dash over obstacles. Then you would need to use all your abilities and the game would be more than just moving right.
Then the kids dash is really glitchy, it just some times doesn't dash, and the effect is really unsatisfying, you should add some particles behind the player, instead of just a small dot when dashing.
Then the game is really unjuicy, you should add camera shake when attacking, attacking particles for the police, because those don't die in one hit.
And sound effects, the game is missing so many of them, click menu buttons, talk thingy in start cutscene, all the abilities, enemy damaged, enemy die, nostalgia shift, jump and then a sound effect, when that white screen comes slowly in the start cutscene, it's really unsatisfying, when there's no sound and it comes so dramaticaly.
Also the graphics, the pixel size is pretty inconsistent, the background, enemies and player have the same size, but the ground and a little lines in the background actually are a really small size, which looks pretty bad.
And a small nitpick, the text in the right top corner, it should be a pixel font, as it looks pretty bad, being a normal font.