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Can you play in the browser? It's my first game so I'm not really sure how to do it (does it still count if the JAM timer expires?)

(4 edits)

The jam time expires in 40 minutes, so you should have time to edit the game and try it out.

If you used Unity to make your game you can build the game as Web GL, select all of the build files in the build directory, right-click "Send to zip", and upload the zip file.

I don't know how other engines work when trying to submit the game.

Make sure to check the "This files plays in the browser" checkbox below the uploaded file.


I'll try, it's downloading, I hope it works 'xD


It seems that it's done, I'll upload it, I hope it works

tried to test it and the program does not want to load

I'm getting a similar issue on my phone. At least you have the download available. I personally don't trust executables created by anonymous people, so I won't be able to play your game, unfortunately. If you keep trying to get the Web GL build working, I'd love to play it.


I understand, too bad, it's the 1st time I've done it TwT maybe it's too heavy. maybe with a sandbox it would run more confidently? (wait on my cell phone I see it, it has an error message " Unable to parse Build/! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: br" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug ")


I MADE IT! (but the screen cuts me, let's see if I can also fix that x'D)