Final feedback for now... maybe...
So, I'm level 9, got most classes, except for Assassin and maybe one more. Since level 6 or 7 the game feels almost impossible to lose with the hero upgrades. I died a few times during the first time playing, but haven't died ever since as far as I remember. Feels more like I'm just playing my combos without much regards for what the opponent does. Also, the health potions are so strong, "Strength" feels almost pointless.
I tried the "Craft a minion with 4 effects" quest, but didn't figure it out yet. I assume it has to do with a specific item and/or luck event to get there.
Other than that I have like 80 to 90% of the main quests/achievements.
My usual run time is about 50 to 60 minutes. The fastest was 35. I tried the sub 20 quest but that wasn't really for me. I played on difficulty level 8 or 9, so maybe that makes a difference, but I didn't want to cheese it by playing on level 1.
If you want to know anything specific just let me know. Otherwise here are my notes from playing today:
- Bug where the combat was stuck at "Battle Start". the arrow would jitter between "Main" and "Battle Start"
- Infinite loop, I'll attach a pic: had two minions with "When you gain life, gain 2 life" on the field plus "Compendium of Curses" and "Ring of Regeneration". Not sure if the items had something to do with it, but the cards would trigger each other indefinitely. I managed to stop it by opening the inventory and closing it.
- Second infinite loop with 3 cards. Same as before plus "on HP: discard 2 cards from opponent hand at random". This time I could stop it by spamming escape while spamming the next phase button. Both times it stopped when I was at around 330 health. Maybe there's a hard limit there?
- Game crash: I was playing a run for about 50 minutes and had to pause. I was in the "Dungeon", so nothing was happening, but after 10 minutes I thought I might as well hit escape to stop the timer. 30 minutes later I came back, hit "resume game" and it froze: "not responding".
- Would be really nice to "keeping" decks after finishing.
- I found the Quest tab only rather late... while I did see it, and the number, I never clicked it. The connection from the text "Quest" to my "level score" wasn't very clear. Also, I thought the achievements to unlock classes/decks etc were hidden.
- Records: would be nice to see highest damage dealt (highest single monster attack, highest overkill, such things)
- I'd love an option to "keep"/replay/save a deck after finishing with it. Some builds are so fun, I want to replay them.
- I'm on level 8 or 9 now, but enemies don't play much different. Sometimes they don't play anything for the first few rounds.
- Bug when crafting: the 3 cards on the left keep rising. When I take my time, they'll eventually cover the gem selection.
- When going for specific quests, it would be nice to mark them. Would make it easier to remember what I'm going for, maybe even seeing progress (like beating 9 champions). I'm not sure, but I don't think I could check the quests from inside a run?
- Some card combinations are so bad, they shouldn't appear on random cards imo (example: 2 Mana: Add 1 mana).
- Navigating the skill tree is a little awkward. Maybe I haven't found it yet, but so far I always have to refund everything. I'd expect to reduce the number of a single skill by right clicking. Also, at first it wasn't entirely clear how unlocking works. Having to click once for unlocking - which takes "Quests resource" -, and then again clicking to apply - which takes "Experience resource" - took some time to get used to. Another thing is the "Level X Unlock", which wasn't entirely obvious from the start. I thought "level" referred to my own level, not the amount of skill points used in that tree.
- Bug on "Block -> Confirm Attackers". Button is stuck in "Confirm attackers (red)", arrow on "Block", minions raised but no yellow glow. Priority cards are also not glowing blue. Just nothing happening.
- Bug on loading/continue: Similar to what happened on my first play where I tried to load the game: the dungeon was was "greyed out" as if everything was inactive. After the last bug I had to load, then I misclicked on a different route, so I wanted to load again, then it got stuck (basically was loading the same game twice within a minute).
- I wished there was an option to continue the dungeon one more time after the final fight. It always takes me to the final boss to finally get my deck power rolling, but then it's already over.
- It would be interesting to know "who" or "what" I'm fighting, like another commenter has said. Having an enemy "face" like in Heartstone would work really well here. But more than a face, something like knowing what kind of deck/class I'm fighting against.
- And I can confirm that the bugged luck event (fireball) now works.
Infinite loop bug on "gain health". The [Gentle Cultivator] would trigger each other. And the [Mech Spy] would get triggered in turn.
This loop happened twice, and both times it would go to roughly 330 health. Not sure if it's by chance.
This is what the bugged dungeon looks like after loading.