This was a great demo. I loved the graphics the music and the silly end text for when Kila DIES (I mean joins a Union). Nothing but high marks there.
I experienced one sound glitch that occurs whenever I charge in midair, sometimes if I land while charging the charge audio keeps playing even when I’m not charging.
As for the gameplay, I really enjoyed myself after getting acclimated. Learning when to dash or bounce made the core experience of learning really interesting.
However I found I really did not care for the 2.5D perspective. It’s much too close and I don’t have the ability of foresight to continue so it just becomes frustrating to learn. Similarly, ground pound into jump allows for some forward angled air and I’m not entirely sure if it was designed for that? You can skip a lot in the levels with that move, but if it’s intentional then I think it’s fun.
Lastly the flames on orange platforms kind of kills my eyes. Could it be some kind of green or something that’s easier to determine where it is?
I also had some weird issues with depth and enemies as well as bouncing on an enemy but still being hit - hard to explain.