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(2 edits) (+1)

Ok, so, here's my review of this game:



So, this is a "walking simulator" with some chases. Actually, outside of the chases you mostly spend your time in cutscenes, so the gameplay is limited. And even when you don't, it's basically just "walk over to the door to the next map so you can watch the next cutscene". There's nothing wrong with that in theory, but it doesn't exactly make for a thrilling gameplay and the cutscenes didn't really make up for that.

Also that part at the start, where you play as the blonde girl and have to examine what seems to be everything to be allowed to progress... I wasn't sure how many items I need to examine something to progress and kept trying to leave, but it wouldn't let me until I managed to find whatever it was that I still hadn't seen yet. I wasn't a fan of that.

As for the chases... well, the first chase is not designed very well. For one, the monter starts a tile away from you and you have a save point right there. So you get a game over the first time and then  once you load the game, you basically already have to be holding shift and the movement key to actually get away. Also that second part where the monster teleports behind you and its speed is now the same as dashing speed, well, I got a game over five times before I managed to get past it.

Overall, I'd say the gameplay has some significant issues that detract from enjoyment, but nothing that can't be somewhat easily fixed. As an advice, use the text pauses less often and in the first chase, you could have the protagonist make two steps away from the creature, say something like "I have to get away!" and THEN have the same point, so that you have more of a headstart.

2 Stars!


The story was good, basically, a monster uses a cursed jewel as bait to lure unsuspecting victims and then some time later it will transport them to its realm and eat them. Still, there were some parts that dragged on a bit too long (for example the parts where the MC is at work) and also there were some parts of the story I'm not too sure about. Like, for example, the monster sees the MC only as food, but it also tries to trick her by transporting her into a dream where she archieved everything she wanted? Was it to lure her closer so that it can attack or why? It's good not to explain too much in, but I think there could've been a bit more focus on the monster and how it works.

4 Stars!


Alright, so, the tilesets were great and the maps were fine. The custom sprites were good, though the coworker and the boss could've had their own proper sprites instead of those outlines, they were prominent enough characters that it was strange that they didn't have them unlike the blonde girl's father. The lack of music or background sounds is an issue though, it makes the game feel too quiet, and not in an eerie sense.

3 Stars!


Well, I'd say this was mostly a typical RPG Maker Horror Game in a lot of aspects, but you did manage to give it some unique spin. I really like the design of the monster for one and the "generational" timeskip between two victims of the cursed jewel was a somewhat unique twist.

3 Stars!


The game isn't that scary and the lack of music really doesn't help this category, however it has some decent atmosphere in some parts, especially during the "dream sequences" and the story and writing help bring up a sense of unease. There were also some genuinely good horror parts, such as when you try to exit the store only to end up in a seemingly endless hallway or near the end when you are following the road out of town while in the forest you could see the MC being killed in various ways.

3 Stars!


You've certainly managed to capture the essence of the theme. The cursed jewel is the front and center of the story and the way it ties the various characters together is great. And while you wrote that you didn't implement the bonus challenges, I'd say that the Price of Greed bonus challenge was actually implemented. In its most basic form and it's not outright stated, but still.

5 Stars!

Overall, you definitely have potential to make a great horror game someday! This was an alright game, especially good considering it's for a game jam. I'm sure your next game will be even better!


Wow, thanks for such a detailed review! I knew my game was lacking in several aspects, so I'm not ashamed to admit I'm still really new to storytelling in game-format. I purposely wanted to leave what the monster did as "ambiguous"- that is to say; I didn't intend for it to exactly come across as a dream-like sequence, so hearing that as a description was really interesting and something that hadn't crossed my mind! I wanted the idea of a demon/creature "devouring" a person in some abstract/hard to describe way- something that would render the victim as "missing" to the public. I must admit: I initially started the idea with the girl and her father in the intro being the main focus, but somewhere along development, I switched it to a more modern story. At the time, I did realize how odd it looked to have the co-worker and boss to have a really simple sprite;; Apologies for that, really! 

I think I thought that having limited music was a decent way to encapsulate a more "horror" feel- and for some reason, the audio I've included in the game just doesn't play in the browser version. This happened to me during development, so that was completely unintentional;;; ((As far as I'm aware, the downloadable version's audio seems to be working properly.))

I do appreciate the further criticisms and tips, though- I agree that the first chase does leave players at a disadvantage. As for the beginning area: I suppose I wanted the player to be able to interact with things before rushing off to another map- I see now how this is frustrating to some. (The game only needed 5 different items to be interacted with to proceed- though what I thought could be a more charming experience, ended up a bit more sloggish/time consuming than I intended.) 

The demon/creature was somewhat intended to confuse and cause hallucination type situations- even ones that might seem "dream-like" or "could give the person whatever they'd want"- but I also wanted it to be obvious that it was a strange, eerie farce; like the monster really was just toying with it's "food". Maybe I went a bit overboard with not being as descriptive as I could've been.

Of course, I'm not negating your review in any way- I think this is fair and gives me  much to think about when it comes to developing things going forward! I hope to be able to make a game in the future that feels nice to play for people besides myself- I'd like to expand my horizons! :> Thank you so much for the review and for hosting the jam!