Very nice! So, what does the C# language offer over AGK's BASIC language? OOP constructs is probably the first thing that comes to my mind.
You may use either VB.NET or C# with AGKSharp. And either language provides you with all of the capabilities that the Visual Studio Development IDE has. Please remember that AGKSharp is an SDK for the AppGameKit Engine. As a result, you have greater flexibility than if you were to use AppGameKit itself. For example, you have access to the GUI for Windows Forms, though you have to do more work to integrate the event handling. You also can create DLLs using AGKSharp, allowing you to better modularize your project. I believe the only way you can do this with AppGameKit is with C++. You should note that AGKSharp does not come with much documentation but since it provides direct access to the AppGameKit Engine, the corresponding documentation for AppGameKit online should be more then helpful. As a result, you merely have to preface your AppGameKit API commands with "Agk.".
If you have any additional questions on this subject, please let me know...
Steve Naidamast (Sr. Software Engineer)