- Joe's Actions Text Plugin for PGMMV creates child objects in the default Player Group when displaying text - this info was not in the included guide, and thus I spent maybe a whole day trying and failing to fix enemy AI that just flailed back and forth whenever text showed up on screen (they were set to pursue objects in Player Group). Moral of the story is: if something is wrong for mysterious reasons, check every aspect of your plugins I guess? xD
- Some accessibility things I learned - I need to learn to set up keyboard support because I guess almost nobody has controllers, which was a huge reality check. Also, I need to make games in 30fps from now on. I thought having a high fps would be fine since all my stuff is 2D and light on processing power, but apparently most people can't run even a 2D game at 60fps, so I need to suck it up even if I personally think it looks bad :/
- Also, something that totally changed the way I approach game design was the concept of "multiple brains" for objects or tasks. In short, don't be afraid to just spam controller objects for every little thing so your game can multitask better!
I think some of this might be only applicable to PGMMV and it's own quirks as an engine, but I hope y'all still enjoyed reading it!