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A member registered Mar 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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I know quantity isn't quality, it rarely ever is the case, but i wasn't aware thats how Itch decides on whats popular

We can still sort by popularity to see how people have rated the games.

I noticed a few game didn't have a pause menu so I feel like this might be useful some later down the line. Even if this is outside of your normal engine I hope that my code can inspire other's solutions that may even help debug a problem they may have. Feel free to modify this code as you see fit, I can always rewrite or refactor any of this as needed!

Menu Transition Code: This is the code I used in Unity3D to make the menu seamlessly switch between each other. 

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Menutransition : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject _StartingScreen;
    public GameObject _TargetScreen;
    public Animator _ScreenAnimator;
    public float _TimeDelay;
    public void Transitioning()
    IEnumerator SwitchingScreens()
        yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(_TimeDelay);

Floating Object

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Floating_object : MonoBehaviour
    Vector3 startPos;
    // the height that the object will float above and back down from
    public float amplitude = 10f;
    // the time that the object will take to float to the height
    public float period = 5f;
    protected void Start()
        startPos = transform.position;
    protected void Update()
        float theta = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad / period;
        float distance = amplitude * Mathf.Sin(theta);
        transform.position = startPos + Vector3.up * distance;

Heal or Damage: I mixed these two together so that I wouldn't need to make a bunch of scripts while still keeping things optimized.  Simply by toggling the bool, this can either damage or heal the player. It's pretty useful especially if you have a game object that can heal and damage.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class HealorDamage : MonoBehaviour
    public bool _Healer;
    public GameObject _Target;
    public float _HealthPoints;
    public SphereCollider _SelfCollider;
    public float _Cooldown;
    private void Start()
        _SelfCollider = this.gameObject.GetComponent<SphereCollider>();
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player") || (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Enemy")))
            _Target = other.gameObject;
            if (_Healer == true)
    void Healing()
        if (_Target.GetComponent<CharacterHealth>()._HealthCurrent < 50)
            print("Have some HP!");
            print("You're already at max health!");
    void Damaging()
        if (_Target.GetComponent<CharacterHealth>()._HealthCurrent > 0)
            print("Give me that HP!");
            print("You're suppose to be dead!");
    IEnumerator ColliderToggle()
        _SelfCollider.enabled = false;
        print("collider off");
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(_Cooldown);
        _SelfCollider.enabled = true;
        print("collider on");

Character Health: This one is similar to the HealorDamage in how it can be used on both a player and an enemy as long as a bool is checked off. The logic for the health lives and energy do the same thing but they do require images to display the info. 

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
public class CharacterHealth : MonoBehaviour
    public float _HealthMax;
    public float _HealthCurrent;
    public Image _HealthBarSource;
    public float _EnergyMax;
    public float _EnergyCurrent;
    public Image _EnergyRingSource;
    public int _LivesMax;
    public int _LivesCurrent;
    public TMP_Text _LivesSource;
    public GameObject _Explosion;
    public bool _IsEnemy;
    public void Start()
        _HealthCurrent = _HealthMax;
        _EnergyCurrent = _EnergyMax;
        _LivesCurrent = _LivesMax;
        if (_IsEnemy == false)
    public void Update()
        if (_IsEnemy == false)
            _HealthBarSource.fillAmount = (_HealthCurrent * 0.02f);
            _EnergyRingSource.fillAmount = (_EnergyCurrent * 0.04f);
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.CompareTag("Death"))
            gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Instantiate(_Explosion, gameObject.transform.position, gameObject.transform.rotation);
    void LinkUI()
    void ClearUI()
        _HealthBarSource = null;
        _EnergyRingSource = null;
        _LivesSource = null;
    public void GainHealth(float _Hp)
        _HealthCurrent += _Hp;
        print("Player has been healed");
    public void TakeDamage(float _Hp)
        _HealthCurrent -= _Hp;
        print("Player has been harmed");
    void Death()
        if (_HealthCurrent <= 0 && _IsEnemy)
            Instantiate(_Explosion, gameObject.transform.position, gameObject.transform.rotation);
            print(gameObject + " has died");
        if (_HealthCurrent <= 0 && !_IsEnemy)
            print("Restart the damn game!");

I fully agree, I loved the sprite art in your game so much. Especially the cover art of IronMouse. You made her look so adorable and the game is something I can see people spending hours on out of pure enjoyment alone

Win or lose, I always see it as a way to learn something. However, I tend to learn more when I lose since success usually leaves some form of a bread trail. With that in mind, 

What has everyone noticed about the games that got some of the highest ratings that you think led to them doing as well as they did? 

What was your strategy for doing well in the game jam if you had one?

If your game didn't do as well as you had hoped, what do you think might have improved your chances of winning or what are some things you noticed in other's games that might have helped them win? 

In my case had I focused a little more on music and sound effects I might have been able to get a higher ranking, but I did notice that a lot of people enjoyed the intro, cutscenes, and the video that's playing in the menu screen.

It might be very easy to guess that I like to break down and understand wins or losses to try and learn from them because, for me, that's part of the fun of any competition I get to be a part of. Anything that's learned from this is something I see as a huge win since that's knowledge that can be used for any of us to improve as game devs.

i've used both methods in the past. What about trying to extract it to a folder it create?

Im sorry it wasn't able to extract for you. How do you usually extract zip files?

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Saying that I enjoyed myself is an understatement. The lust ring got a good laugh out of me, that was clever. I was able to figure out a pretty solid strategy pretty early on that got me through the whole game but that did nothing to take away from the fun I had. The design of the hub was really good, had I never looked up I wouldn't have noticed that there wasn't a ceiling. I would say the 6th level with the spinning rod was the hardest part of the whole game cause now I had to multitask. More environment hazards defiantly would have improved on what was already a great game. My only gripe with this game was that I couldn't find a pause button. I wouldn't be surprised if I missed it but otherwise, the game was great and was fun to play!

thank you! i really appreciate this!

The graphics are really good but the effort it takes to knock the tree down in a way that lets you cross took me 4 tries.

Tthe cover art on its own really caught my attention. Its just so cute! I had struggled at the beginning since I  had full access to the controls but once I understood the controls it felt like I was playing megaman again. I didn't go much further than the tower where you learn to dodge but I really LOVE the fact that you can self destruct. THAT part alone already got me grinning.

Comments like these are exactly what I hoped to see. I'm truly curious about just how many teams missed the cutoff point either because they started late or didn't plan far enough ahead. Where there 6 of you?

Sadly that was intended. I was pretty tired before I submitted this and I didn't want to risk breaking anything in my drained state of mind

i see a lot of this as things that can be applied even outside of this engine! I have a powerful gaming laptop and mid-way through I had the thought of "What if the specs are too high for anyone to play" Its why I went very minimal with a lot of the assets I used the my game. But I'm impressed that 2D game running at 60fps gave anyone any issues at all

Ohhhh this was something i was fearing right from the start! I used Unity 3D and I had a issue where the game crashed after the cutscene. Turned out the AI controllers weren't within a area they could properly navigate

With the vast array of different games, everyone has made I'm almost 100% certain, that everyone had some kind of trouble during the development of our games so let us talk about some of the trickiest problems that popped up during our month-long development.  I'd be willing to bet that all of us have some kind of wisdom to share that others could benefit from or things that could have eliminated bugs before they even appeared. The same goes for things we were able to do incredibly fast that made making the game significantly easier to develop.

In my case, the thing that gave me the most trouble was coding the AI for the land shark. I think I scraped two versions of the code before I went with a very basic version of it. Originally the goal was to have the shark patrol, to random points in the map, and then hunt the player if the player got within range of them. if the shark lost enough health it would have tried to flee from the player or find a healing item. 

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I'm the solo dev of IronRush and to be honest, I used this game jam as a way to benchmark myself since Im a jack of all trades in the form of a game dev!

Agreed, this is always good to have in the comments for events like this for moral and networking!

(1 edit)

Has there been much talk about the game jam outside of when Ironmouse first announced it? Wouldn't be surprised if it was said during one of her streams that I missed but I haven't seen much in terms of posting about the game jam on Twitter or any videos about it on youtube. It almost feels weird that a game jam being hosted by IronMouse didn't get a ton of hype unless  more of the hype is gonna come from the final days

Does anyone know if we are allowed to use sound clips and or audio from her streams as part of the assets we plan to use?