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(1 edit) (+1)

The status screen doesn't work. Says something like 'error not defined 'boldMC' name'

In the Zen questline when you go troll hunting the guild background is missing.

The Taliya 'one last duel' after she invites you to the party doesn't work. The dot isn't moving and you can't get more than one hit in.

All on android. P.s. +2023090415 and i don't remember where i downloaded from

Downloaded the +0415 from here on itch and the problem persists.

Aka it is still there. 

Guess i'll wait for the fix update

P.s. the tone of my comments isn't bitchy i just don't know how to talk like a normal dude.


That's weird because I did fix it. Maybe I uploaded the wrong build somehow? I'll fix this.

it may persist in the case of using a save in which the bug already occurred.

I'm sorry. I hope i'm not a dum dum and i don't waste your time.

It still persists on windows. I think it might be because I did not choose "bold" as my personality. I have the full  error posted in my main comment above.