</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="40" name="AtHomeTest" tags="" position="950,475" size="100,100">But who to really do a test on?
(if: (visited: "IntroCorruptTestBullies") is false)[[[His bullies?|IntroCorruptTestBullies]]]
(if: (visited: "IntroCorruptTestRedHairedGirl") is false)[[[The Red haired girl in the pizza place?|IntroCorruptTestRedHairedGirl]]]
[[[His $ladyRelationship?|IntroCorruptTestLady]]]
(if: (visited: "IntroCorruptTestGirl") is false)[[[His $girlRelationship?|IntroCorruptTestGirl]]] } (edited)
At a replay of the game, it does not show up and as long lady is the only target it can be a cheap fix - just remove at "lady" the hide thing in front off