even if it is not finished, thank you for your story!
For my part, I used simply an unused browser on my system (Edge).
Keep up your passion as long you have fun with it.
nightDressedLady gets not removed from Inventar after gifting
I think something like
(set: $pocket to it - (ds: "Purple Flowers")) needs to be in
</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="143" name="nightDressedLady" tags="lady" position="1950,1200" size="100,100">
As I am no coder maybe something like "set lady to ownnightdress to true"
can or must be implemented (sorry didn't check if there is something like that)
Also in the shop menu could be something like "lady has flowers true" and "lady has dress true" Deactivate the shopping option.
I am a noob, but it could be a solution that looks not that hard from the outside.
Keep it up. Your story was not my cake at first but after starting I was and am so hooked!
</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="40" name="AtHomeTest" tags="" position="950,475" size="100,100">But who to really do a test on?
(if: (visited: "IntroCorruptTestBullies") is false)[[[His bullies?|IntroCorruptTestBullies]]]
(if: (visited: "IntroCorruptTestRedHairedGirl") is false)[[[The Red haired girl in the pizza place?|IntroCorruptTestRedHairedGirl]]]
[[[His $ladyRelationship?|IntroCorruptTestLady]]]
(if: (visited: "IntroCorruptTestGirl") is false)[[[His $girlRelationship?|IntroCorruptTestGirl]]] } (edited)
At a replay of the game, it does not show up and as long lady is the only target it can be a cheap fix - just remove at "lady" the hide thing in front off
maingirl pizza encounter (if: $passage_stage is 6) seems bugged. char is V but i did not recognize it or to be preciece it moves from step 5 to 7
found it: to 7 should be 6
(link: "Go to ger apartment")[
(set: $passage_stage to 7)
(goto: "MakeOutAndSexInPizzaPlace")
(link: "Go to ger apartment")[
(set: $passage_stage to 6)
(goto: "MakeOutAndSexInPizzaPlace")
have you considered to create an discord or something? would like to post/report more typos and stuff.
when you are "afraid of it" just set some written server rules as many others done it.
like "welcome bla bla" "please don` t dm me directly" "post request in bla" and "bugs in here" .... and so on
would be awesome!
under name="girlFume1" quite a bit lower than
"else-if: $girlType >= 3)"
is a double - md
You smiles and leave. <br /><br />
(set: $depravity to it + 5)
(set: $md to it - 1)
directly below:
(set: $girlSus to 0)
(set: $md to it - 1)
(set: $girlLevel to 1)
i think the "event one" is a missplaced one