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(2 edits) (+3)

needs a way of seeing if you are at max trait for your muscle level for new art 
ei 1/2 hip 1/1  butt 1/2 waist 3/3 breast or a stat/trait exp meter or something to tell you when you've hit max level, otherwise there's too much time spent griding money and dumping potions to see if it will do anything.

same for having something to tell you when you hit max muscle level


you’re right. I should add a stats menu to the sidebar. 

(1 edit)

as long as it means you no longer have to spend 8,000$ on butt, hip, waist and breast potions for each muscle level to see if it does anything / changes the art I'll gladly take it 

yeah im adding a "quick stats" menu to the sidebar in the next update