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(2 edits)

Great to hear that i could clear the confusion^^

I just decided to not invole letting Nana shrink that much in that form for a simple reason: Bigger fluffy tail on screen xD
Nah just kidding mostly, I just think for mouse its a good visual thing for mouse since its fits her ability and gameplay.
Squirrel has not much to do with the theme of shrinking or being small so i think its not that inconsistent.
And teh lack of clothing is just because it I think it looks visual nice like this, no deep meaning^^"
Hope that explanation helps!


Well, one could argue that as mouse Nana would be able to climb vines too, since she is definitely light. But I understand the one form = one ability mechanic, even if one could say that several forms work with an ability (even if those are unlocked separately).

Also "probaly" is "probably". Seems you like to misspell that one.

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Yeah definitly, logically many forms could probaly do more things. Werewolf loggically maybe also could be strong enough to move boulders.
But yeah for the gameplay and balancing it defintiely makes more sense to go with one ability per form.


(1 edit) (+1)

The bugs in the castle I mentioned are still there, in case you forgot (wrong text displayed when talking to normal people).

No gun license?

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I looked and I see nothing wrong, I think I have no idea what you eman, could you send a screenshot so taht I know what you mean?

There is only one gun in the game I think, so at least not for the demo. But for the full game I am planning a gun class with skills and everything.


Also there should be more forced human-form interactions with the people there.

Oh thoses, I complety overloocked them^^"
Don't know how but I managed to overlook them the entire time...
Thanks for showing me, I probay wouldn't notice them at all^^

Definitely, I just was getting really worn out when I reached that section, it was the last part I made for the demo, so I hadn't left any energy to do them.
Definitely plan to ad text once I came up with interesting and maybe small lore involving text^^