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(1 edit)

This is a really cool concept! A lot of these games were absolute favorites of mine as a kid. Unfortunately, I had a pretty buggy experience when playing. I took some notes that will hopefully be helpful:

I really love the art style. Most of these games look fantastic


The game needs a proper pause screen that shows you the controls and lets you back out to the main menu without restarting. The window suddenly resizing into the launcher was super jarring, and the launcher only had quit application options


- Some of the games feel way to hard at level 1 compared to their originals. Frogger, Space Invaders and Rally X were particularly guilty of this. Frogger, the turtles dunk way too often for level 1. In all the Frogger iterations I've seen up to now, most turtles don't even dunk in early levels, whereas in this version almost all of them do. Space Invaders it doesn't feel like the invaders start high enough up, and playing relatively well puts you into a massive space crunch if even a single front row enemy gets left. Rally X feels like someone gave the Pacman ghosts caffeine pills. They're super highly aggressive. I never stood a chance


- Had an issue where jumping on a water based platform would sometimes cause frogger to no longer die when jumping in water, but also be unable to jump into end zones or take damage from cars. Problem would persist when the time ran out and when starting the game over from the main menu. Had to restart the game


- Had a random game freeze while playing. I had all 5 greens, 4 blues and 3 reds when it froze. Not sure if that's related or not, because I had achieved that at least once before without a freeze

Tetris - 

Input cooldowns between flips are way too long, making the game feel stiff. I can often see what I want to do but cannot flip the pieces fast enough to accomplish it. 

Could really use a hard drop feature as well as ghosts to show you where your piece is going to land if you do nothing, because with the angle the camera is at it isn't always easy to tell.

The tetraminos would look a lot better if you added lines between the grid blocks instead of having them be smooth. Most of the games I love the art for, but this one didn't gel for me

Rally X - when I respawned I saw the smoke placed during my previous life still despawning


- The lives meter does not deplete

- When pressing a direction PacMan can't go in because of a wall, he'll just turn in a random available direction, usually right into a ghost. In arcade pac man, holding a button you can't go in will cause nothing to happen until a path in that direction opens up, at which point you move in it. Without that the game feels terrible to play


Got spawn killed. The player needs iFrames when respawning

I want to reiterate that I think this is a super cool project! Just needs a bit of polish. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

Thanks so much for the detailed and constructive feedback! It's all very helpful and much appreciated :)