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Okay, I finally managed to finish this game and here are my thoughts.

I heard bad things about the story, but honestly, I don't think it was a bad story. It definitely isn't my cup of tea and it didn't feel like a horror story/game, but some character were fun and mythology was incorporated pretty well into the game. The story felt quite compressed, though, but considering this is a game jam, I think you did a good job (I guess you probably had a more complex history in mind, with a lot of character development)

Mixing visual novel elements with games I guess? was quite nice and gave the game more personality.

Gustav was quite cliché but he ended up being one of the best things about the game hahhahaa, I really liked that. Sometimes, these type of characters are really fun and enjoyable, despite how cliché/stereotypical they might be

Now, what I think was the best thing about the game is no doubt the visuals. Specifically, the character art. I really liked it, the character artist did an amazing job and I love their art style.

The theme implementation was good, not a lot to say about that.

My main complaint is obviously the lack of horror. At times I felt like this was submitted to the wrong jam, although it can also be argued that horror is subjective, so this might indeed contain many horror elements that didn't feel like horror elements to me because I'm used to more stereotypical/classic horror tropes.

Anyway. This game definitely isn't for me... but it was by no means a bad experience, and I'm impressed by the character art style. Congratulate the character artist on my behalf

Thank you! I was the character/bust artist for this game and I agree, this game was NOT horror enough. I tried to add more horror elements from black & white films [The Invisible Man movies for example]. I did want a more conventional RPGMaker horror game but during development in this Game Jam, the sprite artist had a lot of IRL issues showing up. This definitely explained why we went a visual novel route instead. I DO hope to remake this game to make it more like a horror game like Mermaid Swamp. 

I love that you appreciate Gustav as a cartoon villain. He was my perfect victim for using the Cursed Ring because of it. Making him the monster using that ring was fun for me and he was why I wanted to use this idea for this Game Jam.

Wow really? Your artwork is amazing! : D I would love to see it in a game with more horror!

Thank you! I am also participating in HawkTober this year which also REALLY requires you to flex your horror bones.  

Confession Time: I was hoping to probably remake Psychemis with the help of actual horror devs. In HawkZombie's stream of the game, someone figured out I was trying for a Fantasy Final Destination sort of situation where the characters try to avoid their deaths. [So we can save people of the Golden Cheeks.]

Ohhh that's awesome! I'll be participating in HawkTober too

I'm afraid I wasn't able to connect it to FD.  I thought it was more of a parody of certain films made by a certain company associated to a certain mouse. But I understand your frustration.  Sometimes I include references in my games and they go unnoticed

If you ever need help or advise with horror, I'd be glad to help!

Ohhhh. Yeah, I do genuinely want to make a Dingo Pictures Parody. [People only observed this when Hawk played the game though. I only realized I was just writing a fantasy Final Destination through that stream which you can watch and laugh with Hawk.] 

And thanks! Will do when I get the chance. There's a new game idea I had in mind inspired by Pinnochiogoria but I still need to streamline my ideas in a new outline. If you are curious on it, know I'm hoping to twist ideas based on the Disney princesses I grew up with. 

I'm intrigued! That sounds really interesting

Like I said it needs streamlining, but once I have a GDD, I can share it on a later date.

I, too, am glad the game made such a positive impression on you, despite it not generally being your thing! I helped craft the mini games, so I’m happy those helped keep things interesting.


No way! I don't believe this!

its...a  hamster! A hamster made the mini games. And the minigames was one of the best aspects of the game! You did really well!

(1 edit) (+1)

😁 Guinea pig, actually, and thanks! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have veggies to munch…


My apologies! Have a nice veggies feast! Watch out for broccoli though. Never trust broccoli