Great, detailed pixel art.
Reminds me of icy tower, although the gameplay is different :)
At first I wasn't sure what flashing triangles are for. I thought they were collectibles, because they had the same color as pixie. With them flashing, I couldn't notice "!" written on them :) Having different colors for danger and enemies could help here (rather than the same as pixie)
I checked the menu audio settings, I think you are using slider value to set audio bus volume directly. You should pass it through linear_to_db (or db_to_linear, to go in reverse; accessible in global scope) to make the whole range of slider (which should be in range 0-1) usable. Now changing it slightly results in almost muted audio.
I found a way to cheat - if you spawn cloud inside pixie, you get a turbo boost and fly up very fast :)Cheers!