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This is a really impressive game for a short jam! I enjoyed it, but it took me a while to figure out how to do things properly.  I wonder if instead of a tutorial that's a paragraph of instructions, it would work to have a mode where you move the robot in "real time" to understand the rules? A couple times I thought for sure I'd solved a level, only to have it end and say I'd messed something up... but I wasn't totally clear on what I'd messed up, if that makes sense. (Does the box have to be facing the scanner in a certain way?) Anyway, nice work!


Thank you for the feedback! Letting the player move the robot in real time for the tutorial levels is a really good idea, I was even doing that to test the main mechanics. And yes, the box has a code on one of its sides that needs to be facing the scanner. Maybe I need to make more tutorial levels with less text each to explain that and some other things in more detail.