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Really fun so far! Normally dont really like these sorta base building games but this is really simple and nice. only thing that felt off was that you couldnt have accumulators too close to eachother, seems like sorta daisychaining these together to bring power down from generators from platforms above would be a cool thing to do. lil bummed out but i understand if that would be too unbalanced/weird code wize. other than that lots of fun!

Yeah it would have to have higher diminishing returns since the accumulators half the energy of whatever they draw from. So drawing from themselves would be a bit awkward.

Yeah the code for those would be a bit jank from the feedback loop, technically possible using limits, but I also don't want the whole daisy chaining thing going on ironically enough. Mostly want the power sources to have to stand on their own instead of a central power hub you plug everything into.