sunder counts as a single debuff so it only triggers SR once, Vorpal Blade triggers when a monster attacks so it is only 1 time with scutter. An effect would need to cause another attack to activate it, such as merging it with a Giant's Short Sword or Sera with Hydra Strike. I do actually want to clarify terminology more because it can definitely be ambiguous, confusing, or just flat out inconsistent so Im working some things out with that.
that would be great. The main reason I love your game is the complexity and variety but its inevitable that there is some grey area. What you said means that soul renderer is literally one of the worst rares then. It lets you deal a few more damage and only a few enemies can heal making that next to useless as well. Therefore fortune eater is probably better in most situations XD.
nope, this is one of the interactions i need to find more clear language for but in general "On Attack" only applies to the primary target. So like Ripper or Gravity Hammer will only affect the closest enemy (the primary target of Slam and most other attacks). Items like Finisher or Unerring Arrow directly affect the damage of an attack so they do affect every target for Slam. One of the main sources of confusion is that Stagger's wording is unclear, it does apply to everyone Krog hits with attacks