Ooooh wow, I'm so sorry you think that. Maybe try making something of yourself, it would be a good thing to do. You know, make something, do something good. Try recycling or planting trees. Anything other than complaining. I'm working, my life is busy, clearly you have time, so do something with it, please?
I do. I work 2 jobs, have a garden, on top of having a few decent selling books. How bout you stop lazing around asking for success from nothing and actual release something? Oh wait you can't without a fan base singing your praises before you even will. And even then you don't come up with your own idea but rip off 4 other games.
Actually I was pointing out that itch Needs posting requirements now that so many devs have been taking money and not finishing their projects. Your the one who came in spitting insults right and left. All I did was return vitriol with vitriol doubling the amount i recieved before sending it back.So if anyone has issues its you for assuming. Also months? Then how the hell do you not have a working demo? Btw if you expect to make it in the game dev business my reactions to your responses are fairly tame from what it can be. Especially with you making a parody game that may others have made as well.