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Super fun indeed. The levels seemed procedurally generated each run which is quite neat and makes it fun to replay. I played a couple of times and I don't know how did that top scorer manage to get 2000, maybe got lucky with the wealth upgrade or something like that.

I found the magnet upgrade a bit weird with how it does not constantly pull stuff towards you, like if you are moving next to gems they get pulled one time and sling behind you, you have to stop when they start to get pulled to collect them which makes annoying when you are dashing around.

Other than that the game is polished and well made overall. Very good stuff. Excellent work!


Thank you so much for your feedback!

The gem pickup issue is something we are already planning to fix after the jam. It was definitely a slight oversight when we were putting things together in the end.

To get the higher scores you have to utilize the rewind mechanic pretty heavily. You can trigger it manually (which there are prompts for in the top right and it is taught in the beginning) That way you can move around and collect stuff, and rewind and get all your time back while also keeping all the progress you have made.

There are ways to exploit that mechanic but we already are working on thoughts to fix that after the jam.

Glad you enjoyed overall!
