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This is a beautiful and absolutely phenomenal game, Adam. I will be buying this once I'm on my computer. I started watching a Let's Play of it, and I was just dumbfounded at how beautiful the game is. It's the first game I've been motivated to play since a pretty bad head injury if that says anything? You're amazing. Don't sell out. The video game industry can be vicious and I think it's needless. Start your own team and build a company around it. You certainly have the mind for it. 


Thank you for your kind words magg1es. Truly means a lot :)

Wish you the best with your health, and please be careful. The game can have some really bright lights and loud sounds, nothing stroboscopic, but I'd imagine it still could be uncomfortable.

Please follow what your doctor says. If you end up playing the game, there's a save system that pretty much works throughout the whole game, so you could just take a break if you need to.

Thank you again!
Best wishes,

Very kind words, I would like to add, that he certainly has the skills for this as well!