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(2 edits) (+5)(-2)

God, can you both stop being so proud? You're both right! The demo is necessary to keep people interested, but it's also not worth fighting over, creating completely unnecessary conflict over what is essentially a game that hasn't even been released. I think you both should admit without sarcasm that each other is right, apologize and understand that others also have things to do in real life, not all of us are Julius Caesars who can do 3 things at once. Perhaps the developers work on pure enthusiasm and may not even take money (in the beginning). On the other hand, the fact that in such a game (and even in 3D) there is such a plug with this and without the demo, thanks to which people could feel what they should expect and whether they would expect it. In any case, if the game does not live up to expectations, you will be criticized. . .

Wulf Werikuu - You're putting too much pressure on them, but it just shows how much you're looking forward to this game. But we all just need to be patient. I would also like to see what kind of books these are; can you describe and name them?

MyDumbName - You succumbed to criticism too quickly and began to criticize more aggressively. This means that you get little rest and it’s difficult for you to work on your game, I understand, everyone understands. But you have to do something about the fact that everyone forgets about your game and the fact that everyone who is interested is running out of patience. And this dialogue is proof of that. And it's not just the lack of a demo version.

Here - - Dats Vanni.

Here - - dariusoko.

These two noble people released demo versions of their games and people liked them, they know the wrapper and filling of the work. Those whose expectations were not met were excluded. The rest praise and wait for updates (yeah, I specifically took fnaf porn indie games for a more accurate example).

I advise you to follow their example.

I have an idea. As my buddy Wolf Veriku and I say, not having at least a demo version only makes things worse.

How about we finish the remaining details and release a demo version soon? Or do you have some specific good reason not to do this?

PS Sorry for the bad English, it's not my native language. Besides, by releasing a demo, you can relax a little and get to work with a clear, rested head.


You're right man. Your English was pretty good btw. I don't really mind if people forget about my game though, it was just meant to be a fun project but it has gotten too big. I don't want to release a demo because it's not good enough as is, and my actual life is full of work and I don't even have the time anymore, but I really want to keep working. Anyways, I'll probably be taking a break for awhile, thanks for helping getting my head straight, seriously thank you.


Sorry I just realized I missed one of your questions: "How about we finish the remaining details and release a demo version soon? Or do you have some specific good reason not to do this?"

Unfortchantely it isn't as easy as I'd like it to be, I still want to make another scene, which involves writing, animation, and making sure it fits the story. And I just don't currently have the time for it, my life is really busy currently. I try my best to work on it, but it's a lot of work. I'm sorry. I still want to make sure the game is good too, I really don't wanna let you all down.


The books are unfortunately self published in paperback in my hometown using my grandparents book binder. If you can find a copy let me know cause they made it a lot farther then I thought since I only know of 5 cities in about 100 miles (160 km for those across the pond) radius  that keep em in stock. The Blood Moon legacy. Bout an elemental shaman working a farm. (Not to be confused with blood legacy, a  cultivation novel i found out exist from others who have asked in the past XD it also started my wuxia phase after I read it to make sure I didn't accidentally steal someone's idea) As for the argument ill admit it got out of hand. Though that's more cause I'm A big believer in returning what you receive twofold. Kindness for kindness, insults for insults, broken limbs for broken limbs. It was originally started because I've noticed a trend of devs taking money and not finishing projects and here was a recommended one that didn't even have a demo or anything but a link to discord. So I mentioned that itch needs to have a requirement of a demo for a page to be created as assurance that you would get something. No insults (originally) until the dev came in pitching a fit and insulting me. I won't stand for that especially when I didn't start with anything insulting. It felt like brining up a topic just to be punched in that face for speaking. Your English is fine. Its a hard language for native speakers let alone someone trying to learn it. Especially with different slang and sayings depending on where you live changing the meaning of something.


Okay, I understand what the problem is. Unfortunately, we will not be able to verify the authenticity of the existence of the books, because... I'm from another country, but I found Blood Moon Legacy by A.D. Ryan online.

If it's her, give me a sign.

I understand too. your philosophy is quite fair.

Personally, I have one nuance - *HUMAN FACTOR*.

The fact is that anger begets anger, and cruelty, in turn, begets cruelty. There's no denying that you got angry in response, but you can't respond with aggression that early.

After all, you spoil the mood of others, and first of all, yourself.

Personally, I wait for the person to calm down and try to have a constructive dialogue because... Maybe the person is nice and just having a bad day. But if he doesn’t calm down, then I either leave him or answer the aggressor and he gets a boomerang 3 or 4 times more than from him. Also, the insult is exaggerated, but I can't deny that MyDumbName lost his temper a little, it's understandable - stress, fatigue, busy schedule and missing days off. At first I thought your comment was harsh and the strong reaction was justified. But after re-reading, I realized that this was not so, and MyDumbName start first. This is what our mutual pal MyDumbName says (you may have already read) that he will not be releasing a demo under any circumstances and will be taking a break. MyDumbName respects his players and fans, he will not shove a piece of unfinished code and an unfinished project into the hands of the player, and we must reciprocate his feelings. At least don't judge him for it.