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How is that an l? Your getting down voted by your fan base without my help. Even if I'm getting more of em it goes to show that some of em agree with me. Especially since you have admitted you won't be finishing this project of yours.

(1 edit) (+3)

I'm not going to continue arguing with you anymore. Please leave me alone


says the guy who keeps replying. What happened to not having time to dev? Also look who suddenly released a demo after saying it wasn't near ready.


Stop antagonizing people. This conversation has devolved into childish banter. Move on with your life.


Agreed, this has just stupefied


It devolved into childish banter the moment the dev started insulting. At this point ill stop when their either banned from the site. Or the site itself is shut down. Whichever comes first.


And instead of acting like an adult you're electing to continue going down this path of childish impulses? What satisfaction do you get out of this? What does acting out against a single person or the site achieve? You're not contributing to anything with these actions, you're not moving anyone or any business with this. Stop it, it's boorish and you should be embarrassed to knowingly continue while asking for unrealistic expectations.


Im asking for basic quality control. Also I dont see you telling the same thing to the dev who started with the childish behavior. 


Let me state this: You're not asking for "basic quality control". You're asking for:

1. Demos to be a requirement for game pages. (Sounds simple but it's not.)

2. MyDumbName to be banned.

3. The site to be taken down.

The reasons why are outrageous. You don't like that a page of a game is up and there's no game or demo of it. Congratulations, no body cares. You do not control the operations of the site, and they will not force requirements to please random people who have nothing but vitriol to say. And do not play this off as if you didn't insult MyDumbName first. You were condescending when you asked "why is this here if its not even out" which is insulting to them. And then you insulted the operators of the site when you suggested changing the methods of how to manage their own website. Then MyDumbName rudely told you to "stfu and stop winning". So, while yes they were insulting, so were you. You were both in the wrong. The difference was that MyDumbName was willing to move on, but you were not. And now you want to see them banned? For what? Insulting someone? Because if that is the case then you're just as guilty. And what makes this unrealistic is when you ask for the site to be shut down. WHY?! Where the hell did that come from?! Under what right do you have to ask for the site to be shut down?

I understand that people get heated under an argument and will say things that are just intensively negative. But this has been going on for days and if you haven't cooled down by now you (both of you) need to step away. Stop commenting with animosity and find something better to do with your time. This is a game for god's sake. If you're seriously getting bent over backwards over a game you need to chill out and find something more relaxing to do. Life is not worth burning away with petty anger of trivial things. Find something truly worth your while, go out and have fun, enjoy the simple things of life. If you don't like something and it's not hurting anyone, move on because it's none of your business. Why waste your time and energy on someone or something you don't like? Move on.


I banned him, he won't stop


I just posted a whole reply too before seeing this.


I unbanned him in the hopes he comes to the understanding that we both messed up.


Its probably best to ignore the comments you find even a hint of negativity from, though I see the appeal of trying to reason with people, it is simply not worth the effort more often than not. Hope you can enjoy your break. Also, did you know Chuck Norris can do a wheelie on a unicycle?