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(1 edit)

Another question I can't solve.
I edited a nicht Map in the Display mode "Bitmap - Multi-colour" but struggle with getting it displayed in ASM on my C64.
Can you give your users in ASM an complete example who to display a "Bitmap Multi-colour" map / screen.
In my case I just have a screen - no tiles just the font and a 40x25 char map.

I also edited a map (40x25) in Text Multi-colour and when I export the data I thought I would see also the colour data ($D800), but in the ASM file is only charset_data, charset_attrib_L1_data and map_data.

(4 edits)


Sorry for the late reply, yes including asm code examples is something I have considered before and I have large amounts of code that I could include with the apps.

Part of the reason I haven't is that I don't want to deprive users of the pleasure of discovering how to do these things for themselves.

Writing code and finding good ways of doing things should be exciting and fun and educational, not just an exercise in copying and pasting somebody else's code.

As for your colour data problem, the "charset_attrib_L1" data IS the per-char colour data, the upper nybbles may also contain material data which you may or may not not need.

If you decompress the project so the charset contains 1000 chars (for a full-screen bitmap), then the charset data IS your bitmap data and the map data is not needed.

The chars just need loading/copying to your 8K bitmap and the L1 attribute data (1000 bytes) just needs to be loaded/copied to the colour matrix at $d800.

For a MC bitmap, the L2 attribute data (1000 bytes) will need to be loaded/copied to the screen matrix.

I hope that helps.

Brought CharPad and SpritePad some months ago.

I'm having the same problem as pirat28hh, and agree on the matter that he raise that it could be nice with some ref. examples. Yes, people might find pleasure of figuring it out themselv, but I guess they could find this in refining and optimizing their code instead.