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Hey, thanks for sharing your thoughts and suggestions.

- I've thought about adding in a romance system, but it's not something I plan on adding in right now. I want to build out more of the world first and make sure there would be multiple ways to increase their affinity. I would probably need a plugin for a romance/friendship system to get it working in a good way, though I could probably get something decent working with what I got. Either way I'm not worrying about it right now.

- There IS currently a house that the player can get access to and upgrade in the game.  You have to complete 3 guild quests and one of them needs to be Monster House. After words the receptionist will tell you to meet with the queen, the queen will give you the same house that Monster House took place at (minus the monsters)  and a home steward will be sent there. Then talking to him you can spend gold to upgrade the visual look of the house. It's one of the earliest things I put in the game because I wanted to have upgradable player homes but I haven't done much with it yet. Currently the home can only be upgraded 2 times. Eventually, I'll add a farm and mine to it that will generate passive income somehow.

-  Skill upgrades with skill points? Ain't that in the game?  You mean like being able to further increase damage of already existing skills? I'm not really sure what you mean.  

- I seriously debated whether or not I should add a morality system because it would really fit with the theme and gameplay.  I thought about also having a notoriety system where you'd be able to attack anyone in the game and having that affect how a town treats you/guards being sent to try and apprehend you. It would be a lot of work though to implement this stuff. I'd still like to add it in, or at least something like it but I probably won't for awhile. 

-Class advancements? I'd definitely add that in, but I need more battle animations to work with for it to make sense. Right now, skills are already re-using battle animations. But it would be nice to add different specialty class advancements, like sorcerers being able to choose fire, ice, or lightning as their main element and building around that, Or Knights being able to spec into a paladin or battle knight. Right now, there's already skills/skills unlock paths in the game that kinda fulfill this. To really take it to the next level though, I'd need at least a few more animations for each class that would feel unique. 

- I probably won't be adding any alternative professions but I'll keep it in mind in case I think of something.  And, TECHNICALLY, the player is also a blacksmith since you can craft upgraded weapons. 

I gotta be careful with what type of systems and gameplay types I add to the game. I don't want it to feel bloated, like there's too much going on, or like the systems are really basic and uninteresting. The morality & notoriety system would be cool, but would it be fun or annoying? Romance would be cool, but how is it going to add to the experience? ...etc.  I'm not saying they're bad ideas (cause I like them, I want to add them) I just need to make sure that they add to the gameplay and are implemented in a satisfying way. 

I appreciate you letting me know your suggestions. I'm always open to hearing from everyone.

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for the skills i meant something like like skill progressing like where you level up the your skills by using them over and over again and for those systems it depends on how you implement them maybe you could make the relationship thing be quest based  and for the house thing could you put a house in every big city and maybe some small ones and another thing will you put in a a few more races like maybe some that are good at both and one that is not good at ether

I'm not sure I'll do something like that for the skills. There's still some things I want to change about the skills, like unlearning weaker versions of the same skill and having a visible skill tree, but I'll probably keep it all tied to requiring skill points to learn and upgrade.

For relationships, if/when it gets added, I'll have the increases tied to doing quests given by them, talking to them, and completing regular quests that are of interest to them.

I'm not going to add a player house to every big city, BUT, along with the upgradable house, I could add a small player owned house or room in some of the major city/s. They would just act as a place to go and heal and interact with some of the followers. 

As far as adding new races goes, it aint as simple as you might think. Implementing them is easy, the problem is because each race and gender has to be it's own character in the entry, I have to account for each one whenever certain events happen. Honestly, if I'd known how much of a pain it was gonna be I probably would have just had one or two races, male and female. HOWEVER, I would be open to adding another race or two if they looked unique enough and were immediately recognizable.  The reason there's 5 races is because that was all I could make with the generators so each of them had their own look. The only other race I could add right now would be a half animal half human race, they'd look human except with animal ears and tail. I purposefully didn't add them because I didn't think they'd be unique enough, I want whatever race that comes next to be something completely different like a monster race or something. I'll consider having them be good at everything or nothing if/when I do add them.

I appreciate the suggestions, I like hearing new ideas to consider adding in. 

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couldn't demons and demi god be the last two both could be very good with magic or physical  and will there be adventure rank that could be letter number or whatever

Yeah, demon could be one to be added. Demi-god I actually considered as a class (it's actually in the database for the game) but it would have to be a New Game + unlock so it doesn't ruin the balance. I'm not sure what the new races will be though, I'll be thinking about and see if I come across something. 

I could add an adventurer rank based on guild quests you've completed. I'm not sure off the top of my head what the benefit would be. I don't want to lock quests behind rank, giving an item/gold doesn't really seem fulfilling. Maybe it could give access to a home at a certain rank or give store discounts (though I think I would need a plugin for this). I'll think about what the benefits could be.

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the higher the rank the more stuff you unlock you could make some characters rank based so you dont just obtain every character from the start cause why would you just obtain characters when some characters and some people respect higher ranks more it can reduce the prices on some equipment and other items and you could make some items only available for ranks for the house

I could make some of the characters require higher ranks to recruit them. The reason they're all easily accessible right now is because the world isn't big yet and I wanted them to be easy to get for now. In the future they'll be more spread out and I'll add in the rank requirement for some.

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yeah i know would be nice if there were skills like mining cooking can gain level up and could you give like a walkthrough per update i mean some people need it more than others but it would help a lot in case a person gets lost i dont mean like this early but later down the line

Yeah, I can make a walkthrough later on. I'm sure even now it would be useful though with the different hidden areas. 

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it could be cool to have weapon crafting and maybe have gem fusion into the equipment and maybe later have legendary equipment that could also be rank based the higher the rank the better the weapon and could you add in dungeons