Just uploaded a new version fixing an issue with the Guardian equipment slot crashing the game on some of the classes. Also fixed Jesili softlocking the game when talking to her with another member in your party. The Maximizer TP mode now preserves TP like it says. Thanks to Casual on Discord for letting me know.
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After you beat the head priest, he said the same line as before like he just repeated the exact same thing he had before fighting him? Was his sprite still there after beating him?
Not being able to talk to anyone after beating him is more of an oversight (except his two 'henchmen' can still be talked to if you don't kill them), I'll have to add that. Good thinking.
With the dark areas, do you not like them because the obstructing view is annoying to navigate with, is it too dark like the screen gets tinted too dark, anything specific or you just didn't care for those sections?
Some of the art is different because for the case of the human male player character and Headass, those were drawn by my cousin (as well as the title image), and the others my friend had generated with AI over a year ago so they wouldn't be the default character creator generated ones. But, he never did anymore for the others to make it consistent. I think I've changed some of them back to their default ones for this next update, for sure Cephe, cause they don't fit the character. Plus, yeah it doesn't look great when there's different art styles on some characters.
I'm glad you had fun anyway, I appreciate you giving the game a try.
I just fixed the issue with the Forest Cleanup quest. The Pushy Protestant one I may have fixed? The issue was that after finishing the quest and getting the objective to turn it in, it just doesn't mark the first one as complete, right? Cause I think I found a scenario where that happens and just changed it. Or was it something else?
I did fix the Brainless Ring and some collision in areas.
Thanks for letting me know.
Yeah, Cephe is great, I want to add more interactions between followers but I've just been wanting to add more things to do before doing it. Other than some interactions during some quests and everyone hanging out when you get the monster house property, there's not much in terms of the followers saying or acknowledging anything. The player speaking was something I wanted to add because when in other RPGs that have the PC never talk or react to anything, it feels more, I don't know, lifeless? Like when a NPC is talking to you for several minutes and the PC never says or acknowledges anything and the NPC never acts like it's weird that the person they are talking to isn't saying anything, to me is just odd. I definitely get where you're coming from though, if the PC doesn't ever interject or say anything then it allows you to fill in the blanks with how you would want them to have reacted. Maybe I'll try to have a middle ground and have dialogue options that affect the outcome of a chat. I'll have to have a poll or something later when the game is more popular to see what others would want to see. Believe me, if I didn't have to worry about how the player reacted and what they say it would be easier on me, so I'm all for it if that's what the audience wants.
I can change party members just inserting themselves into your party, I just left it so that some do because from a gameplay perspective there's no downside to having them, it's really just for roleplay. I was wanting to add a yandere character at some point, so they'll definitely just add themselves but that'll make it more impactful if it's the only time a follower does that. The next update is gonna have level requirements for most to have the option to recruit them. Some that also have starting classes will be obtainable from the start, but those that already have vocations, like Cephe being a Pyromancer, will require you to be level 10 before having the option to recruit them.
I'm sure you are among the minority of wanting to have a way to make notes in game, but a quick search did give a plugin that can be used for taking notes on an in game note pad. I don't know if there's a way to add a note to a characters bio directly with other plugins though, I feel like it could be done with VisuStella plugins but I don't know. There would need to be some way to bring up the text entry without it being for a characters name or entering a code.
Well I fixed the areas with no collision in the tutorial area, church, and castle prison, but I can't replicate the softlock in the church. Entering and exiting in different ways all seem to be fine. I remember it being a problem brought up before but I thought it was fixed in a previous update and not the current version I'm working on. Is it that there's just nothing happening when you touch the back area of the door? Also with the prison, other than the walls not having collision and a random invisible wall where the cell door would be in the top left, I don't notice any weird pathing or problems with the entrance/exit. Was there something else wrong?
Thanks for letting me know about the issues.
I appreciate it, I'll do what I can to ensure the quality and keep everyone updated. You'll be happy to know that there will be 3 more female followers in the next update as well (and 1 male). I'll definitely add some sort of romance system at some point but I'm not sure when, maybe later next year.
Thank you for your patience and interest in the game, it always puts a smile on my face.
It only happens when your class curves plugin is on. I tried to see if I could find which Visustella plugin is the problem but the only one I can turn off that the error relates to is the EquipSetBonus one. When I turn that one off it gives the same error but with a different error log.
I tried changing the max stat limit in the CoreEngine back to the defaults but it's the same error. Also after disabling and re-enabling the EquipSetCore it no longer comes up in the error log and it's the same error log as the picture above.
Finally I tried updating all the Visustella Plugins with the most up-to-date ones and the same max call stack size error comes up but with a new error log.
I don't even know what the problem could be now based on what the error is referring to. Now it just seems unrelated to me. Regardless of if you can actually do anything I just wanted it to be known that there's a compatibility issue. I appreciate you getting back with me and looking into it.
BTW, your Mobile Controls plugin was a life saver. Best of it's kind.
Hey, I'm not even sure you'll be able to help with this but whenever I try to start a new game it gives me a RangeError that says 'Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded' and the DevTool shows a few of the VisuStella plugins as being the issue. I don't code so I can really only take a guess when it comes to this kind of stuff based on what the error says but I really don't know where to begin with this one. I mean I can see it has something to do with the actors parameters but I don't know why or what's causing an overflow. Is it just that your plugin isn't compatible with the VisuStella ones? Seems weird that it would be the ItemEquipsCore and EquipSetBonuses causing problems.
I'm not even sure I'll be able to do what I'd like to do with this plugin but it's the only one that's close to what I want. No worries if you can't help, I understand if it's not something you'd know since it's related to VisuStella.
That's weird, I'm not sure what would be causing that. The game launches fine for me and I don't even know if it would prompt you to update even if you did have a previous version installed, but I don't know if that's actually the case since I don't have an Android Phone. Is your phone an older model? Have you tried using other means to launch the game like JoiPlay? Are you able to launch and play it without hitting update?
Ahhhh shit, it never updated me that you added edits (and I just finished uploading the new versions), At least it's easy stuff to fix. Next time if I already responded just make a new reply so I'll know. Thanks for letting me know about the bugs though, that Aqyl bug is so overpowered, that may be the most overpowered bug to get through.
Ahh, I see the invite for the server keeps changing, I updated the invite codes but I'll try to keep the one on the main page up to date.
I thought I Fixed that bug but after checking again I found what the problem was. I'll upload the newest version here pretty soon.
You can disable the on-screen controls by tapping the icon in the top left. If it's causing problems then let me know and I can upload a separate version that disables it entirely.
Thanks for letting me know, I think there were only 3 guild quests at the time when I made the reward box and I just never changed it, whoops. It's an easy fix at least and the ring will be obtainable when the next update comes out. I fixed the blacksmith not giving a Stellar Fire Essence as well. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the game, you're one of only a few people to have said that so I appreciate it.
Hmm, the Spellblade should only be hitting twice per attack. When I test it out that's the case. The way that being able to attack multiple times with the same character is balanced is that special attacks and magic prevent that character from acting again. I know you could just basic attack 3 times and finish with a skill to get around it. I think I'll look into limiting the amount of times someone can basic attack to 2, but I'm not sure if I'll actually be able to implement it. The point really of the Free Turn Battle system is to allow you to choose who attacks first or at all and to give freedom for how you play the combat. Also, who goes first in battle is based on the combined agility of each party, the higher one goes first.
Damn, yeah I really don't know what else to try then. Sorry I can't be of more assistance, I'm really not sure why it's happening no matter what you try. I appreciate you at least working with me to try and resolve the issue. For me, it's worth all the effort if it means one more person can try my game out. Maybe eventually a solution will be found. Thanks for trying to give it a try.
Do you have a lot of apps installed, as in most of the memory is taken up or have apps running in the background? Does your phone run slow on other apps? 12-16 FPS seems awfully low even for mobile. I'm not even sure if any of that would help but I'm at a loss of what else to try since I can't recreate it myself. Sorry I can't do more to help, I added one final version of the game that has everything up to date to see if that helps.
Huh, that's... weird. Have you modified your screen resolution or modified the hardware/software of it at all? You said other RPG Maker games ran on it before, do you know if they were made in RPGMZ or RPGMV? It may just be that if your phone is old then compatibility hasn't been maintained with the plugins in the game.
You could also try installing JoiPlay and see if that fixes it. I've never used it but someone did mention to me before that the game ran fine for them using that (It was before I released a working Mobile version). I believe it uses the Windows version of the game but I'm not sure.
If JoiPlay ends up working then I can upload a version of the game that has mobile controls for the windows version, assuming that's the version it uses.
I'm gonna make the old version of the game available to download again and let me know if it does the same thing because I know for sure that that one didn't have that problem. At least that way I can know whether it's something to do with the game or your phone. I'll try updating everything in the game later when I get the time.
Ok, I just uploaded another version that just uses Version 12. Not sure if it's going to matter. I did find another user on the RPGMaker forums having the same problem a month ago and it seems to have to do with a core plugin. If it still doesn't work, then the last thing I'll try is updating everything in the game tomorrow. If none of that works then I'm not sure I'll be able to do anything about it. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.
Hmm, it's not happening to me when I test it. It could be something to do with the new mobile control plugin but I'm not sure how that would be affecting it. If you don't mind trying a few things out, I'll run through a few questions and solutions to see if it gets fixed. I'd like to know what the cause of it is incase it happens to others.
Have you downloaded the game before and reinstalled over the old version? It might be that this version requires a clean install.
Have you tried closing out of and restarting the game, or starting a new game? Maybe it just needs to redraw the textures., maybe something got corrupted.
Are you using an older Android device or old version? I did use version 14 when converting the game to an APK so that might be it.
If it's none of those then I'll need your assistance in some trial and error of trying different versions of the game to see what fixes it.
Thanks for letting me know about this and sorry it happened, hopefully we can get it fixed.
Yeah, sorry it's been taking so long for the next update. For awhile I was working on a different area that was requiring me to have to edit and create several new tilesheets. Then when it was taking too long I decided to put it on hold and work on something else but then that required editing tilesheets. So it's been a lot of running in place with this update before I actually got something going. I should have it out by the end of the week. I'm gonna try to get into updating at least once a month. Don't be afraid to get on my ass about it and hold me to it. I've been slackin'.
I appreciate you telling me that. Right now, I am just focusing on my vision for the game. I can only do so much on my own, so my main goal is just getting done what I want to be done. Of course I do enjoy receiving feedback to see what other people would want to see in my game, but I don't make it a priority unless it seems necessary. I want to focus on getting the core idea of my game down first before I start implementing anything extra. First and foremost is to make it an open world adventure, and if someone suggests something that can enhance that then I keep a note of it for a possible addition in the future. I really do appreciate you saying that though because it can sometimes feel like a lot when others always ask for more unique features. So it's refreshing to see a comment like yours.
Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate you taking the time to write something. I'll do my best to address the ideas you've given.
1. "Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well." In all seriousness, I would like to have some sort of relationship system in the game. I'd want it to affect your relationships with the different party members when you do something for them/talk with them/ or make choices that they approve off during quests. I don't plan on having anything like it in the game for a long while though.
2. I'm trying to do more stuff with quests that give different outcomes depending on what the player does. Really the only quest that has a drastic change in outcome in the game right now is failing to beat/giving up the staff to the boss during the Haunted House quest. But the other quests also change and give different dialogue and outcomes depending on certain criteria like; who's in the party/ meeting stat requirements, having met or talked to someone else. I'm going to keep adding stuff like this because I really like having different outcomes for quests that players might not even realize are there or finding out that a quest could have been completed another way.
3. There's not really much party banter now outside of having certain members when doing quests or when you unlock the player home. I'm not sure how much more I'll do outside of that, I don't want them to stop you in the middle of exploring to say something but I know there's a plugin that adds banter to the side of the screen without interrupting. I'm thinking about whether or not to limit party member switching to certain areas, on one hand it would make more sense that they aren't all with you all the time (especially since only active members get XP during combat) but I also don't want it to be too annoying to have to keep switching between who you want to take with you (though you probably won't be switching much anyway once you find party members you want).
4. I want to add guild hunts that would require you to go to certain areas and fight bosses for large Gold rewards, and I already implemented a test version of it to make sure I could do it, I just haven't actually fully implemented it yet. I want to have some more areas first that bosses could spawn in before I fully add it. This will probably be added maybe after this next update I'm working on.
5. Yeah, I should have more stuff in the world that you can interact with to learn more about the world. I'll have to start adding more stuff like that.
6. Ever since I started working on the game I've wanted a day/night cycle. I haven't added it yet though because for one, I'd rather get a plugin that can add it in better than I could, and two it adds more work needing to account for time of day with quests/ events/ NPC's. I'll definitely have one eventually, but I can't say when for sure.
I've had a lot of ideas for other classes because I may eventually add subclasses/class specializations down the road. Each class would have 3 classes to specialize into. Summoner and shadow knight were ideas that I also had for other classes. The problem with summoner is that it would be a bit difficult to implement it the way I'd want, most other classes wouldn't be too big a deal to add. Engineer could fit into the world (as in it would exist in-universe) I'm just not sure how it would work, I'd have to think about it more but I'll add it to the possible future classes.
For how long it will take to complete, I gave a best case scenario that it would take like 16 years or something if I continued to work on it by myself. I knew from the beginning that this would be a very long term project but now I don't know if it will ever be complete with how much I keep wanting to add and all the details that I want. I don't want this to be a game that is never finished so I'm reconsidering what the priorities should be and where I should focus.
I wouldn't say I prefer to make the game myself, I just don't know anyone else or trust anyone else enough to work on the game with. Plus, I don't think anyone is going to want to work on the game for free like I am. I'd love to have a small team to work on this with, it would make my job much easier and I wouldn't have to keep splitting my focus across the different aspects of the game. Maybe if the game gets popular enough or I start making money on it I can get a small team to help out. Until then, I'll try to focus on adding what's important to keep the updates coming.
Just let me know all the dirty details, I can take it. I do plan on changing it so that only certain classes have boost actions(or just removing it entirely) and the TP modes are going to be unlockable instead of them all being available from the start. Combat is a big part of an RPG like this so it's important to get it right. I'd love to know more about what did and didn't work for you. Also what platform are you playing on?
A class that dual wields swords already exists, the swordsman. I don't think I'll add a class that can wield every weapon, at that point I would just add class switching so you could change your class whenever. I'm still working on other ways to be able to get gold and experience, for instance; adding a casino to earn gold and arena fights to earn experience. I don't plan on adding anymore races for quite awhile (if I even do) but I'll consider a divine /demonic race if I decide to add another.
Ah yes, I see. Looks like I forgot to account for not having started the quest related to that area for some of the tents. Starting the quest will fix the issue until the next update. You can get the quest by giving a bomb to a kid in one of the SeaSide houses, then visiting the quest board in the Adventurer's Guild. Thanks for letting me know and sorry about the bug.
I'm hoping Guild Hunts will fill that role by giving lots of money and XP for completing them. You'll have to go to a certain area and fight much stronger versions of enemies. I'm thinking they'll be repeatable so you can get money and XP over and over again but I'm still deciding on that. Dimensional Dungeons sort of fill this role right now since you get more XP from the monsters. I might end up making these more difficult and more rewarding for going through them without leaving. There's also a chest in them with random loot but no equipment in the loot table. For special one time bosses I'll likely add some sort of equipment reward that can only be gotten from beating them.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I decided to look into that 2 weeks ago because most of the downloads and traffic to my page are for Android/mobile RPG/Open world games. I didn't think it was playable on mobile devices, (and nobody had mentioned anything) and it turns out it wasn't. It's more complicated than I thought to get it into a playable state for mobile.
The bad news: the current file that's uploaded isn't playable on mobile (at least not without converting it to an APK/AAB)
The good news: The next release should be playable on Android (It took like a week to try to figure out how to convert the game to an APK/AAB) .
The next update is going to be released either Wednesday, November 29 or Thursday, November 30. I can't guarantee that it's going to work flawlessly (since I don't have an Android device to test it on). But I know that it at least runs, based on a quick test I did using BlueStacks. I'll try to support the game as best as I can, but I'm no professional. If you decide to give the game a chance after I release the Android version, it'd help if you let me know of any technical problems that occur. Sorry about the game not being playable on mobile up to this point.
Well at the rate I'm going, it's going to take way longer than a few years to complete. I'll probably be mostly done with Aquanis (the map that's playable) in another years time. As for the rest of the game, even if I completed one area per year, it would take another 15 years after that. Right now I only work on the game for maybe 10-20 hours a week so it's hard to say how long, realistically, the game is gonna take to finish. I seriously hope it doesn't take that long, but if I stay a one man team the whole time, just working on it whenever, it very well may take that long.
I don't plan on adding any group skills and I'm not sure they would even be possible with the current battle system. There would have to be a separate category entirely specifically for group skills for it to work. It would be cool to have but I don't think it would be possible right now.
Having an advancement of a race would be easy to add in...kinda. There wouldn't be any appearance change and all it would do would boost the stats. I think trying to do anything more than that either wouldn't be possible, would be a ton of work, or would just need a plugin to make it work. Not sure it's something I would add in anyway.
Enchanter is pretty much what you described for the other class. Enchanters' primary role is to heal & buff other characters.