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I love the sewer gator jump!

thanks! :)

Do you plan on adding “enemies” or would that not fit the style of this game?

yeah, a key aspect of the style of not just this game, but all my games actually, is that I try not to rely on traditional enemy-based or violence-based mechanics; that’s a very deliberate choice I make. In fact you could say that the cat/rat mechanic in pizza panda is already a fairly big departure from my previous work :D

also just an FYI regardless of any of that, this game is completely finished, after 3 years of work (on and off, in my spare time) and many iterations, so it won’t be undergoing any changes (besides bugfixes if needed)

thanks for playing!


"is that I try not to rely on traditional enemy-based or violence-based mechanics"

Good point! The vast majority of platform games have enemies/hazards "hit this and you lose a life/HP/restart level". It gets old quickly! Making games is hard work, I can only squeeze out a (very small) game every couple of weeks myself.