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Thank you for your civilized answer but let me clarify something in my turn: YOU are the creator of YOUR story and therefore YOU choose how you make it, you can make anything you want and if your story is about a selfish scumbag almost rapist who coerces girls into sexually satisfying him then you made it this way because that is what you wanted to make, maybe you don't actually treat women like that but you at the very least fantasize about it because fictions are just that: fantasies from their creators, and therefore claiming that "your game doesn't reflect your own fantasies" is a blatant lie because you made it because you fantasized about it, simple as that. 😏

Observe your own words, you claimed that you didn't design and make a romantic experience because then some people would complain that this is not what they wanted, as if you merely wanted to satisfy people, however then, other people complain that this is not what they wanted, I mean that you chose which kind of people you wanted to satisfy, the people who share your interests, you didn't make a romantic story because you were not interested in that, you chose to make a coercion story because you were more into that, and you are right that I don't share your fantasies because I don't take any pleasure if my pleasure is not shared, I don't find selfishness to be enjoyable, I find it pathetic, forcing girls into giving themselves to you is pathetic because whatever they give you means nothing if they don't give it on their own free will, sex is not only about physical sensations, it is also about emotional involvement and this is why you failed so badly, because your sexual fantasies are only about physical sensations and lack emotional involvement, sex is gratifying because it is an achievement in shared trust, affinity, complicity and intimacy, it has to be deserved and earned to be the most enjoyable reward, coerced intimacy is worthless because it is meaningless.

Moreover you claimed that your game is just a certain story with characters when I already stated that there is no actual story, only a pretext for sexual fantasies, your characters have no depth at all, they are all generic characters with no actual personal story, only roles to fulfill without learning anything meaningful about them because there is nothing to learn about them, they are more like templates than actual characters, therefore no, it is not "just a certain story with characters", it is nothing more than an empty story designed only to pretend to justify sexual fantasies and that's it.


This discussion is going nowhere (and it's also the wrong place). You're looking for something this game just isn't meant to be, like buying a bike and complaining that it's not a car. You're interpreting way too much into a simple porn game. This game is not meant to feature a romantic setting or an extremely sophisticated story, it never was. If anything, one could argue that it should be better reflected and explained in the game description, but that's pretty much it. If you're looking for romantic stories, I suggest you look elsewhere.

And on a side note: saying that creators of stories, movies and games are automatically into everything that's happening in them is a very bold claim. In many roleplaying games you can choose to be the bad guy. That does in no way tell anything about the thoughts and feelings of the creators. Or what about murder stories? You really think the authors fantasize about murdering people?

Sure, I chose to explore the non-romantic topic in this fantasy game. I wanted to see how it works out (especially with sort of a small redemption arc), and I already had a target audience I could work with. That does in no way mean that I support such behavior in real-life.

To conclude, I appreciate your feedback and may incorporate more (good) choices in future games, though I can't promise anything - It's mainly a matter of development time and effort. Contrary to your beliefs, I don't develop games for mere fun. They are meant to generate some money in the end.

That's all I have to say about this topic. Since this is also the wrong place to lead such a discussion, this will be my final reply. Take care.


Hi, I just wanted to say that I was impressed by how you handled this situation. You are probably the most patient guy (or gal, or gender-nonconforming person) on the internet, lol. I literally created an account just to say this.


I know it's not my place to suggest this, but I had a suggestion. I was wondering what you would think about creating a demo version of some of your games. Some of them look very interesting, but I ever since I wasted $60 on Elden Ring (I suck at hard games), I have been reluctant to spend money on games whose quality I haven't been assured of, such as when a friend recommends them. Sadly, I am not really able to get my friends' input on porn games, for obvious reasons, lol. Anyway, so I think a demo version would be a nice way to preview the game for potential players like me, and could potentially draw in more players.

Sorry for the long comment,

- DarkenedStar