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This is so good!!! The writing is nice and smooth, the artwork is great, and the music and sound effects were picked out well. There's also a lot of really cool stuff in the programming, with the blinking sprites, the subtle movements of the characters, and all of the comedy sound effects. It's clear a lot of effort went into this; it's incredibly polished. It actually looks better than some commercial VNs I've read.

It's just a shame it finished!

As a small note, it is a bit strange that the preferences and save/load menu use the default Ren'py UI when the rest of it is custom. I know a lot of jam VNs do this, but it seems especially odd here when literally everything else is so high quality. This is a super minor comment though, which doesn't affect how much I liked this; you all did a great job!


OMG Thank you for the kind comment Ebi-hime!! I'm glad you enjoy what we have so far, and that's such a nice compliment aaaskljdfs we learned a lot from the previous jam game (Nano) so we strived for improved overall quality; glad that you find them to be polished, and i hope you'll look forward for the full release!

And thank you for the feedback! Yeah, unfortunately time constraint didn't let us do more UI design 😭 we do plan on doing a UI overhaul for those still in default Ren'py state though, hopefully that'll improve the experience...! Again, thank you so much for taking the time playing the game and writing the comment! ♥