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[DEMO] NG: Cursed in Love!?

"If I don't see it, it doesn't exist... A-Aki, is that you...?" · By Selamat Pagi Abang!

Feedback and Comments Thread! Sticky

A topic by Selamat Pagi Abang! created Sep 30, 2023 Views: 888 Replies: 19
Viewing posts 1 to 12

Feel free to comment anything about this project here!
Also, we'd appreciate if you report any bugs you might come across to our email at, thank you!


since the full version will have multiple ending, does that mean karma will be romanceable character?

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

Thank you for the comment and sorry for the belated reply! and aaahh sorry to disappoint but no, he won’t 😭 We’re planning for a Karma end but it won’t be a romantic one—but we do have plans for to give Karma something that’s gonna be a separate from this game!✨ -🦀


This is so good!!! The writing is nice and smooth, the artwork is great, and the music and sound effects were picked out well. There's also a lot of really cool stuff in the programming, with the blinking sprites, the subtle movements of the characters, and all of the comedy sound effects. It's clear a lot of effort went into this; it's incredibly polished. It actually looks better than some commercial VNs I've read.

It's just a shame it finished!

As a small note, it is a bit strange that the preferences and save/load menu use the default Ren'py UI when the rest of it is custom. I know a lot of jam VNs do this, but it seems especially odd here when literally everything else is so high quality. This is a super minor comment though, which doesn't affect how much I liked this; you all did a great job!


OMG Thank you for the kind comment Ebi-hime!! I'm glad you enjoy what we have so far, and that's such a nice compliment aaaskljdfs we learned a lot from the previous jam game (Nano) so we strived for improved overall quality; glad that you find them to be polished, and i hope you'll look forward for the full release!

And thank you for the feedback! Yeah, unfortunately time constraint didn't let us do more UI design 😭 we do plan on doing a UI overhaul for those still in default Ren'py state though, hopefully that'll improve the experience...! Again, thank you so much for taking the time playing the game and writing the comment! ♥

(1 edit) (+1)

I love it! I love the dynamic between Hikaru and Aki, especially the "Honey~" scene, lol. Aki getting flustered with something he started is hilarious, but the whole scene is just cute.

The part of the VN when the creeper ghost comes in and the words go across the screen as it did is really cool. I think it makes the interaction all the scarier being in the middle screen with the words being jambled than the text box :3c

The sprites that show them in a different direction is some great detail. Adds a little more life to 'em.

I'm excited for the full release. I wanna see how the ghost progresses. I replayed the game to realize that Aki knew Hikaru as a kid. So does that mean he learned the talisman on his own to protect Hikaru? That would be cute. 

I'm guessing the story of the ghost must be true to an extent. Sounds like she sacrificed her family? For health? For something they've done to her that is not known yet? O-X

I'm invested xD


Thank you so much for the sweet comment!😭🙏💕 And I’m glad you like that scene cause that’s probably my fav too haha (props to Queen the writer!), and I’m SO happy you noticed the scripting!! Ebi🍤 the scripter worked hard to make it look creepy so I’m glad it achieved the intended purpose💕 I’ve kinda wanted to have sprites in multiple direction bc just I think they’re cool, but I’m glad you like them!

The flashback scene at the beginning was a bit of a dead giveaway, but I won’t say as much cause that’d be veering so close to spoiler so :”3

Again, thank you very much for taking the time to play and write this very nice comment!! Please look forward to the full version! -Kani🦀


Hi, I'm still playing through the demo :o 

The only problem I get is during the text convo scenes I get a lag and the game doesn't respond for a few minutes even though I'm clicking through the game already. 


Hello, thank you for playing the demo!
And aah i’m sorry to hear the lag on your end…😭 The performance might be vary from device to device, but I will try to investigate and do several improvements for the full version, hope it run smoother by then…!

In the meantime, here’s some other ways you could try on your end to reduce the lag if you’re on pc or mac:

1. Updating your Video Drivers to the latest one. This process is different between computers.
2. Run the game in Compatibility Mode if you're using windows 10.
3. Change the game renderer, while inside the game you can open a menu using Shift+G (windows) or Command+G (mac). Try using 'Force Angle/DirectX Renderer' or 'Force OpenGL Renderer', choose either one that make your game run smoother.
4. Disable Powersave in the menu above. This Powersave option is used to try and reduce the power used by the game. When it's enabled, it may be limiting the game performance.

Also if there’s any specific scene where it lags, I’ll be happy if you elaborate further so I could look into it! - Ebi🍤


Thanks, I will try it next time. 

Later on I finished the game and I like the cast so far it's sweet that Hikaru cares so much about his sister. Other then the problems I mentioned earlier the game worked fine and I look forward to the full game out eventually.  


Sorry for the trouble, I hope it works for you🙏

And aww thank you! That’s one of the thing we wanted to convey so I’m so happy for this comment🥺💕 Thanks a bunch for playing and please look forward for the full release! -Kani🦀


This was absolutely SUPERB - I know it's only a demo, but I already love it so much, I can't wait for the final piece!

The art's gorgeous throughout, the music/sfx are so incredibly spot-on for setting the different moods, the pacing's great and I'm really invested in the story~ I love how everything comes together too; the animations on the sprites (subtle and otherwise) and the transitions between scenes make everything feel so smooth and natural, and the atmosphere during the 'horror' scenes is so deliciously intense, it really sets them aside from the "normal" parts of each day and makes it as unsettling for the reader as it does for Hikaru.

Speaking of Hikaru - I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! His relationship and banter with Aki had me grinning non-stop, I love how much shit they give each other and how obviously they care about each other without being excessive with it. He clearly cares about Hiyori too, I love a supportive sibling ^^

(Also Karma is ridiculous in such a wonderful way, he's so precious 💞)

I really don't have any criticism to offer, I loved every bit of it and I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest 💖


This is the first thing i saw after i woke up today and this just made my day😭🙏💦 I’m SO glad you seem to enjoy it so far! For the script, Ebi the scripter decided to do some things we didn’t get to try on previous game, so it’s mostly experimental but I’m happy with the way it turns out, and this comment is such a mood boster🥺

Hehe, I’m glad you like them!! I really, really dig their kind of dynamic too… The writer did a good job portraying it didn’t they? I hope you’re looking forward for more of their moment in the full version💕

(And i’m glad you like Karma! The team love his antics too lmaoo isn’t he such a disaster…)

Thank you so much for playing and taking the time to write such a sweet comment, we on team really appreciated it!! We’re doing our best to work on the full release, so please look forward to it! -Kani🦀

I simply wanted to say I adored the demo. I love a good spooky game and a forbidden love. Aki's family is gonna be waiting for that stupid marriage for a whole mxm. Great job I lovvvvvved it can't wait for the full release.  It's so good ♥️


My friend recommended thos to me.. and the story seemed interesting... Buuut 4th wall breaking isn't my thing.. so I didn't get too far into the game XD it's just obnoxious

karma reminds me of a friend's little brother whose hobby is just going to haunted places with his gang 😂

I just played the game and it's so cute and good. I can't wait for the full version. I can already tell how much Aki and Hikaru care for each other which is a definite plus. Also, was the files with the picture and his parents' conversations mean they want Hikaru to be in an arranged marriage? If so I hope he can get put of it and be happy like he deserves.  It's a really good story you should be proud keep up the good work, feel free to do things at your own pace, and remember to take care of yourself.

I'm coming here after having played Lay It Bare. I've already installed the Cursed by Love demo and plan to play it after making this review!

I intended to do it after finishing the demo of this game but I'm too excited to wait until later! What can I say? I loved Lay It Bare, The dynamic of the couple being the opposite of each other always catches my heart! The design is beautiful and all the voice acting works very well!

I can see the deep effort you put into this game, and I'm sure Cursed by Love and the next games will be just as much better! 

Another detail that I would like to highlight is the fact that you have an Android version. You don't know how grateful I am for that! I don't have a PC, so when I find games like this available for Android, I'm eternally grateful! ♥️ Thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart, and please continue to make your future games available on Android too!

Lay It Bare was short, but perfect. I would love to see more cute scenes and moments of the couple! I can only say 10/10 for them!

When I play Cursed by Love, I'll come back here again.

Thank you very much for the game, you have a lot of potential and I wish you all the luck! ♥️

(PS. I'm Brazilian, so I can't guarantee anything with my English, if there are any mistakes, sorry :'D)

just wanted to say that your english was very good. (english is my native and only language, unfortunately. i’d love to learn another language someday.)