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I don't know if I'm declaring wrong the Tile Rules, but I think I'm doing what is expected, and found this issue.
Using Unity 2022.3.0

I created 64 Hex tiles for all the possible combinations of outside walls per Hex.
Did all the rules, and when I use them, most of them do what expected, but some behave weird.

I could share a Unity package with the tiles and rules already set up, if this helps finding the issue.

or probably is not a bug and I'm just doing it wrong.

Other example, the issue seems to happen with Diagonal Tiles, but it works with Horizontal.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for reporting the issue, I'll look into it and get back to you once I find something.

Edit: I've found the cause of the issue, and the bug should be fixed in the next update.