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Wow! Right from the start this game is gorgeous, creepy and captivating. So many little details shone beautifully like the GUI, menus, character design linking into the textbox design and the sound design... was fantastic. I enjoyed the music so much and it complimented the narrative perfectly. 

Storywise, there were twists and turns which subverted my expectations and kept me interested and uncertain. I had to see it through!

Feeding the cat!!!! What? Argh! I don't want to give spoilers but that bit got me!

As a horror story there were multiple points where my stomach dropped with dread. Very effective use of tension and choices.

You all did fantastic on this one!


Well, the amazing LPB is responsible for all those lil design details :D Honestly, the way she includes stuff like that always makes my autistic brain immensely happy x3 

Very much appreciate your opinion on sound design considering we were supposed to have a properly trained audio engineer on the team who then got ill for the entire month and couldn’t participate x3 Because not only was she gonna help master my soundtrack and all the game’s SFX, but she was also gonna work with me to design voice effects and stuff like that since she’s actually studied that sort of thing at uni! But in the end, it all just fell to me, and I couldn’t help but keep thinking, whatever I do is gonna be waaaay inferior to what she would have been capable of! T_T haha. All I can do is experiment and try my best x3 She actually would’ve known what she was doing! But it is what is it at the end of the day :3

It’s funny cos I used to care more about what people might think of my writing, but now I just always find myself hoping people like the music xD So I’m really glad you enjoyed the soundtrack cos trying to make music that fits the story has become the part of game dev that brings me the most joy ^-^ This was the first time I sat down and really tried to think about the story as a whole when coming up with tracks, rather than just taking it one track at a time!

Speaking of cats, I just realised we could have been cheeky and used the darling that is Mr Fuffington to be Sorbet x3 That would have worked perfectly! But ah, well, Sorbet is an absolute cutie too :3 And also, I spy another cute lil kitty :P

Thank you so much for all the kind words! I FINALLY got around to playing Travel Devil this afternoon, but I won’t gush about it here cos that needs to go on your page x3

Sorbet! Oh my heart! Your cutie cat was perfect. The white cat design felt so innocent and pure. It fit the story and the character design (which was lovely) purrfectly - sorry I couldn't resist a cat pun.

That's a real shame about the audio engineer, hope they're doing ok, but the sound was great all round. Voice effects do sound like a cool addition though. Also totally still enjoying the soundtrack, thanks for putting it up on youtube.

Thanks for playing Travel Devil too! It made the day really sunny to hear what you thought :)