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A member registered Jun 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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You were electrocuted!!!! Are you okay?!

I'm so glad you shared all of this! And I'm so glad you shared your game too! You and the team worked so hard on it and it showed!

I'm really appreciating the honesty here. I've felt a lot of what you've mentioned but feel too shy to talk about it so to see that other creators were having a tough time too really helps me find some balance.

Tunnel Vision is an excellent game and it stayed with me throughout the spooky season. Some of the themes were horrifying to me (in a good way) and hit hard. The story, the sound design, visuals, the presentation and immersive OST were incredible. The workload you took on was immense and you still managed to create so much in just a month... and it was damn great! 

I wanted to reach out and let you know that your game mattered a lot to me and it was one of the strongest games in the jam. It was polished, designed well, everything worked and the narrative was frightening and fascinating. Perfect elements for a spooky visual novel jam.

Also thanks for sharing what you know about the judging. I never really knew how it worked. I can see there are flaws to the formula there.

Please keep making your wonderful creations! I'm rooting for you and can't wait to see what you make!

Dark, creepy and genuinely scary at times! Working retail is horrifying at times. The ending made me so happy though. I was really glad they found a way to make it all work.

Also I loved the art and the atmosphere that you created.

Great job and I can't wait to see what you do next!

Two great stories! I'd been looking forward to this entry from the start of the jam and it certainly delivered!

Both stories were wonderful. I loved the idea of the dead letters office and the uncanny messages. Also I can't get the idea of Girl Dracula out of my head!

Thanks so much for making these stories (and the credits) I genuinely had a great time!

Wow! I was not prepared for how good this game was. The writing does not hold back and is both heart shakingly cruel and whimsically sweet.

I am so happy to read that this story will continue. The unanswered mysteries leave me wanting to see more and I really feel for your main character.

It was an excellent choice to make changes to the interface and artstyle for different parts of the story. It really helped build tension. 

Thanks so much for making this!

That baby was the worst!

Loved this story! The writing was funny. The characters looked great!  Also the puzzle was so fun, I loved it.

Thanks for making it!

I really loved the creepy atmosphere you created in this story. The deserted school after dark is the perfect setting!

The characters were designed really well and the writing was great!

Great job and thanks!

What a great story! Really loved the characters and how their stories played out. The puzzles were just the right level of complexity and the conclusions mechanic was a nice addition to the narrative.

Loved the glitch effects and the artwork throughout.

Fantastic job!

What a great story! Really loved the characters and how their stories played out. The puzzles were just the right level of complexity and the conclusions mechanic was a nice addition to the narrative.

Loved the glitch effects and the artwork throughout.

Fantastic job!

Well done to you both! This is a great Halloween themed visual novel. I loved the art, especially the backgrounds and the looping music was cool too!

Super! Love these characters and their designs! Also how can you take that video character who haunts my nightmares and make her that adorable? Well done!

I also loved the chemistry between Annet and Gwen.  And those eyes hiding in the bushes? Ooh, that was some nice foreshadowing!

Good luck in the jam and great job!

Wow! This game was incredible! I loved the creative ideas and characters. The angels are so unsettling yet beautiful. The demons felt so alive and disconcerting! This idea will be fantastic as a larger project. The story was intriguing and the human characters felt very real at times. I feel I've known some people like them.

Also really liked the idea of presenting evidence at the end. That was super tense!

Fantastic Job and good luck with it!

Well done on such a great story! I had a lovely time playing through it. The writing is wonderful and heartwarming at times but the demon comes across as genuinely threatening when it counts.

The music was particularly enjoyable and added to the emotional moments. It was also tense and scary at times!

I adored the cosy atmosphere in this story. The art was great for getting across the feel of the game. 

Thanks for making it!

This is a great story! I had such a lovely time playing through it. The writing is wonderful and heartwarming at times but the demon comes across as genuinely threatening.

The music was particularly enjoyable and added to the emotional moments.

I adored the cosy atmosphere in this story. The art was great for get across the feel of the game.

Well done and thanks for making it!

Sorbet! Oh my heart! Your cutie cat was perfect. The white cat design felt so innocent and pure. It fit the story and the character design (which was lovely) purrfectly - sorry I couldn't resist a cat pun.

That's a real shame about the audio engineer, hope they're doing ok, but the sound was great all round. Voice effects do sound like a cool addition though. Also totally still enjoying the soundtrack, thanks for putting it up on youtube.

Thanks for playing Travel Devil too! It made the day really sunny to hear what you thought :)

This is a wonderful game. The art design in this is so cute but the choice and interface design is just gorgeous. I also loved how you designed the Gods.

The demon I summoned was well designed and so adorable yet also evil! Also great job making it playable in browser.

I saw you're planning more for this and it's an amazing start. Well done and good luck with this project!

Wow! Right from the start this game is gorgeous, creepy and captivating. So many little details shone beautifully like the GUI, menus, character design linking into the textbox design and the sound design... was fantastic. I enjoyed the music so much and it complimented the narrative perfectly. 

Storywise, there were twists and turns which subverted my expectations and kept me interested and uncertain. I had to see it through!

Feeding the cat!!!! What? Argh! I don't want to give spoilers but that bit got me!

As a horror story there were multiple points where my stomach dropped with dread. Very effective use of tension and choices.

You all did fantastic on this one!

Love this idea and Kuku is so cute! Eldritch theme was great. The game mechanics here are impressive and functionality was on point. The GUI, menus and logo design are so well put together. Well done!

Hi Anwynn,

I had a lovely time playing this.

Story mode and challenge mode were great fun and the kitten jigsaws were adorable.

Thanks to you and Alexanda for sharing these Sweet Kittens!

Yay! So glad to see him out and about in different games.

Also, love your latest puzzles - so cute! Thanks for using him.

Just finished the first story and I love it! The writing is brilliant and the music is delightful!

Also I adored Fish Man and Polite Man (Potential Fish Thief!)

Can't wait to see what the other stories are like!

Wow! I love your style. It looks great. Thanks for using Mr Fuffington!

CC0 - They're free for any use.

Hi Anwynn :)

I'm so happy that this spoke to you. This was my first game so I'm very grateful for your kind words.

Currently I'm playing your game, Yuri's Dream and I'm having a wonderful time. It's such a joy to explore in it. I'll let you know when I'm finished :)

Hi Anwynn :)

I'm so glad you liked that ending! Thank you very much.

I wanted to focus more on their blossoming relationship but I ran out of time and had to cut a lot.

Might use the stuff I cut in a different game in future!

I don't mind at all :)

I love the look of your games. I'm gonna check them out starting with Yumi's Dream. It looks really good!

Hi Anwynn :)

Thanks so much for playing my game and for the lovely feedback. It's really encouraging.

I think I would have gone for the neutral path as well if I was in her shoes.

Thank you! Hope he's useful to you!

Wow, thank you so much! I've watched a couple of your videos and I love how you present your channel.

It was amazing to see you interact with the game! It was also wonderful to hear it read out. You really brought the lines of dialogue to life. 

Thanks again and good luck with your visual novel (plaTonic) in the jam!

This game was delightful. I was so impressed with the presentation right from the start. The accessibility and options functions before the game opened was a great touch.

I also loved the opening menu and the scene setting at the start! It really set the tone for the warmth and magical nature of the game.

This was a brilliant taster of the world that you're creating. I was a big fan of  the location setting. The edge the world of magic and fae is a great place for many mysterious things to happen! It's super intriguing to start with a mysterious stranger from the unknown!

Thanks for making it and I hope development goes well!

I've been looking forward to playing this game from the very start and it did not disappoint! I had a lot of fun playing Bingo. It was well paced, and everything functioned well.

I really enjoyed this game! The bingo calling rhymes were on point - especially towards the end of the game! 

The prizes were luxurious and I was surprised and delighted with what I won!

Thank you for sharing it :D

Wow. Just wow! I was blown away with how good the action and direction was in this! So impressed!

I loved the characters both in design and writing. The narrative was really well written so I didn't feel lost jumping in with already established characters.

The jokes landed well and the TTRPG aspects felt very true to life.

Would highly recommend, both from a technical standpoint and for enjoyable romp points!

Also if there was an award for best decapitations, it would be all you!

This feedback is fantastic! Thank you for taking the time to try my game and for these helpful observations. It's great to see the areas which worked as well as the ones that didn't. Being a part of this jam is teaching me so much.

I'm looking forward to playing your game, The Wolf of Derevnya soon. The art and concept really leapt out when I first saw it.

Thanks again :D

I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for the amazing feedback. It's super helpful.

The house backgrounds is where it all came from. I saw them on pexels and thought "I need to use these for something." It all kind of spiralled from there.

Cheers for playing it and (if you get a chance) I hope you enjoy the other endings. 

Well done on such an intriguing opening! I loved your character design and the gui looks fantastic.

There's load of details that hint at the complexity of the magic in the world which sounds really interesting!

Thanks for sharing your visual novel!

Wow! This has such an eerie atmosphere. The sound effects and music are immersive and the lighting is spot on.

The interior of the car as the setting is so effective and I loved how the scenery shifted during the story.

Also the intro and the ending paid off big time.

I'll definitely be playing again to see the other endings!

Wow! This visual novel has such an eerie atmosphere. The sound effects and music are immersive and the lighting is spot on.

The interior of the car as the setting is so effective and I loved how the scenery shifted during the story.

Also the intro and the ending paid off big time.

Well done and I can't wait to see more!

Sooooo cute! The characters are lovely and the backgrounds are really creative and imaginative!

It's also lovely to see a game suitable for all audiences here.

Well done!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm still learning to make visual novels, so this is all very encouraging :D

I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks you so much for this wonderful feedback! I'm really glad you liked it :D

I'm still learning about making soundtracks so Groovepad was perfect for my abilities. Thanks for sharing a your music making process too! I'm still trying to figure a lot of this out so it helps to see how others do it.

I saw you have two games in the jam. They both look beautiful and I'll be checking them out soon!