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little problem here :

type : softlock

after hunting rats at goblin village,  going back to leader at treehouse has problem which jumps to siren shop instead leader house and cannot enter  goblin village because of event that preventing player to go outside of village works as preventing player to go inside of village(cannot move).

there is no way to proceed after this point.

(4 edits)

good grief o.o thank you so very much secter13 for finding that bug :o hmm, ill take a look ; ) so far everything else seems to work ok for you? I noticed it didn't really make since why the Siren Lady was not put back into water after saving her so i added a bath in the shop were she stands in : ) thought that would make more since. 


another problem here :

type : event loop

severity : moderate

conversation with zoey at lustvile(lamia village) -> zeoy joins party

->{loop start}Liz (I want justice.....)->~->Lu(Tell me where to go){loop end}

can't proceed from here again unless ignoring zoey.

and little scratches

type : wrong sprite?

severity : mild

after saving siren, return to the village. after bed conversation scene, Lu's animation fix to [fallen]. while facing [down] can see fallen Lu and for other direction , invisible.

after any battle  make things back to normal.

wow thank you for finding this issue for me secter13 ill take a look : ) ^^sorry for late reply i just noticed i had a message on itch ><