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Hello! I’m glad you liked our game! Thank for your detailed feedback.

I already noticed the problem of having to go through the left side before publishing the game. :( The main idea we had is that, if you’re getting the coffee, the ghost will wander around the scenario, giving the player some space to evade it when going out there and to avoid the ghost being so near of the player’s safe zone, probably tuning that could avoid the problem that you mentioned. Unfortunately, we started late the jam and we didn’t had much time to add this change, aside of other improvements, so I decided to focus on adding a very small tutorial and the floating icons so the players will know where to go and what to do.

About the collision problem, I already fixed it on my local copy, it happened even more on the first versions and I left unintentionally a small collision that provoked that error. u_u

I like the ideas of variating orders or adding power-ups (we were thinking even on one power-up for the ghost, to noclip through the tables and chairs for a small time frame whenever a client leaves angry (because there’s bad mood in the ambience and the ghost feeds from it). And having the possibility for the ghost to run faster would be very interesting! I’ll try some approaches to see which seems to fit better.

Again, thank you a lot for the feedback and for trying the game! We’ll update it probably with those fixes and some improvements, also adding the missing client model that we didn’t had time to import. If you take a look to the page in the future, maybe you’ll be able to see it soon :)