Woooo!!! This was soooo good!!!
It starts raw, hitting the road like a bulldozer. All preparing you to the absolute contrast of the real world... And lays the foundation for everything that comes after.
The hardship and savagery of some scenes is directly contrasted by mellow and sugary moments that make it all worthwhile for the plot to both, sustain and thrive.
The story is heartbreaking, hits home real hard and makes you empathize with the main character beyond words. And then the twist comes, the lines become blurry, and it all goes up, but also down in the duality of the actions.
The art is lovely, the cinematography excellent, and it all sorrounds a great and interesting plot.
Can't wait to see how this continues!!!
Edit: FORGOT to talk about the battle system. I FELT LIKE IN FINAL FANTASY THANK YOU VERY MUCH