Odd to see you encountering new issues. Do you have the old version that ran successfully? If so, can you try running that to confirm if it's still working? Also, I have just updated the game, so you might want to try downloading the 0.44.2 Mac version. I believe 0.43 was pre-patched with an updated nw.js, which in most cases improves performance, but can cause some issues. Other than that, just in case you forgot the tips from last time, here is how to tweak the permissions of the game on a Mac. If you haven't figured it out, the easiest way on Mac that usually works is moving the game to your applications folder. Alternatively, this link provides the general outline for changing permissions on folders for Mac's. https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/mac-help/mchlp1203/mac
As for patching, the filepath to reach the spot where the patch goes into would be as follows: CiC 0.45 Mac\Game.app\Contents\Resources\app.nw Inside of the app.nw folder is where the contents of the patch would go. For example, if you were using patch 0.44.5, it would be the "data" folder inside of the patch that would go into "app.nw".
Let me know if any of that helps, or if it doesn't, and if you have the same issues with the newer version, and older version if you still have it.