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Nice game so far.
Initially started itat normal, thinking that normal would be.... normal since it's in the middle of the 5 difficiulties.
but it was jsut way too hard for me, only made it till the mummies whcih would have required me to grind tons and tons beforehand.

now, while sometimes being a bit too easy, I play it at the easiest difficulty (piece of cake).
jusge me if you want but it jsut is way more enjoyable than wasting ages on eahc mob fight.
where mos have already respawned by th time you killed another mob.

anyways, now I am stuck on the grave on the spring plains.

I think I got the 2 needed piecea already, the one directly found on thegrave, the other given by the quest giver.

but I can only pin it down to basically a guess the five digit number, where each number is either 1,2,3,4 or 5.

just too many possibilities to wildly guess.

Am I jsut supposed to guess a valid name that sounds the best?
Or is there some lore hidden elsewhere, like" i remember the name starting with a vowel" or such?

Am I misisng somthing yet?

Sorry for the late reply. I have been busy because it was Monday. Choosing the difficulty is based on the players, so I decided to divide it into several pieces to suit all. The easiest one is for those who love to play casually, and the hardest is for those who love to try hard.

Besides, I'm sorry to say this, but I merely have a recollection of the place you have been stuck in. Is that where you need to find the name of the Goddess of Nature?

(1 edit)

Ah, I remember now. You should receive the Mysterious Note from Kyle the Blacksmith. It is the hint to reveal the Goddess' name. They are not numbers, but letters. Maybe you should try using the letters in the note with the same color as shown in the gravestone. For example, the first letter shown on the Gravestones should be Red, so try one of the red letters in the Mysterious Note and do several combinations with other colors to reveal her name. And soon, you will see it is a very familiar name. Once you get your answer, just write it on the gravestone (MUST BE ALL CAPITAL).

Yeah, by now I read your hint in the forums.

My initial thought was "in each coloumn the letter with that color"
which didnt work at all for obvious reasons.

ddnt expect that I would have to guess out of 4.

By now I am a bit further in the capital.
did all the level up quets, except lucas one.
first off couldnt find any hint to it in forever.
mostly cause this NPW didnt have the blue thing on its head.

but the "storage room south of pub" doesnt help SINCE THERE IS NO STORAGE ROOM (OR ANY VISITABLE HOUSE) SOUTH OF THERE.

SO gaven up on that, did the invasion.

Now, the girls dont een wanna tell me that "hint" anymore, both jsut telling me if I wanna rent a room.

so levelup quest gone for good I guess?

for the record, it's the one to become a shadow assasin.

Also, after the invasion, when I am now basically free roaming again, just went to the pub and thought, maybe sleeping in their will let me find the mysterious storage room that doesnt exist.

well, woke up in seashore ports inn  :-)

so that bug is still alive and well :-)
doubt that it ruined anything sicne I am in no cutscene, invasion or anything.

am supposed to meet the king again, to tell me which direction the next town is

oh god, I am an idiot.
that room is literally IN the pub -.-

well, gonna do that quest finally :-)

okay, in the trial, second room, middle statue.
which button is "Sf" supposed to be?
I dont even remember such a button EXISTING on my keyboard :-)

nevermind, it's shift

So is everything good now? The Inn issue does not bring up any blockers that preventing you from advancing the story?


nah, things are working fine currently.
Just did the last stuff in the capital, now onwards to the next sea area :-)


Glad to hear that. If you have any question, just feel free to ask. I will try to help as much as possible.

I dont know how or when it happens.
But I usually have this party:
aiko, raphael, then and lucas.

Every npw and then, mostly when in a fight, I realize that the damn Emily has replaced Ethan and is back in the party.

So yeah, not sure how or when, but Ethan sometimes gets switched back to that useless Emily. Think it's cause she and the other 3 were the original party.