Yeah, people don’t read the patchnotes or my PSA. Wish Arc would communicate these things a little better.
Now public will release one week after the supporter release.
0.20.2 went for supporters the 16th, it will come public the 23rd.
Nobody read the patch notes, your PSA or the Discord announcement. How exactly do you think I should communicate these things better? Break into people's homes and yell at them? :P
3 AM: >Sleeping in bed
>Startled from sleep to the sound of breaking glass
>Look over to the bedroom door
>Shadowy figure looming in the doorframe
"Your porn is ready, asshat."
>Figure vanishes in the night
>Lay awake all night with the knowledge that he'll be back again in a few weeks
I mean, if ya gonna break the window every two weeks, you could at least update the game for me while your here XD
T they'd have to make a shadowclone jutsu spell to let everyone know on time. *Gasp*... Shadowporn Jutsu: thousand years of hard-on!
I'm gonna steal that "Shadowporn jutsu" word
Just give me credit! It's trademarked!😜
Ngl, I laughed WAY too hard at that.