Nobody read the patch notes, your PSA or the Discord announcement. How exactly do you think I should communicate these things better? Break into people's homes and yell at them? :P
3 AM: >Sleeping in bed
>Startled from sleep to the sound of breaking glass
>Look over to the bedroom door
>Shadowy figure looming in the doorframe
"Your porn is ready, asshat."
>Figure vanishes in the night
>Lay awake all night with the knowledge that he'll be back again in a few weeks
I mean, if ya gonna break the window every two weeks, you could at least update the game for me while your here XD
T they'd have to make a shadowclone jutsu spell to let everyone know on time. *Gasp*... Shadowporn Jutsu: thousand years of hard-on!
I'm gonna steal that "Shadowporn jutsu" word
Just give me credit! It's trademarked!😜
Ngl, I laughed WAY too hard at that.