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Thank you A. V. Dossow for playing my game. I'll need to find a way to close the gap with the hit and receiving end of the combat system. On the back end, the hit box is specific to the event, and touching the event results in the player getting hit. The "sword" is summoned to attempt a hit (to match coordinates with the enemy location) when you press the action button and it touches the enemy from 2 spaces away. I have some ideas for closing this space gap so it feels like a real action game especially in those quick moments.

I am taking the time now to make the puzzles more intuitive (actually I'm giving the items a few more uses to encourage playing with the items..) Admittedly, some of my best ideas came to me at the last minute. I am taking the time to make the puzzles to be more intuitive- that has been the word I have been thinking about as I make improvements.

I figured out your battle system for Toiletisia vs Evil quicky. You stand still and shoot the bullet- works fine to me. You are also immune from standard enemy damage if you keep on shooting.  If you increase the speed and range of the bullet (at least to be at the near edge of the screen,) you'll really be in business.