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(1 edit)

It get's better and better with each new release.

A couple of additions to the program would be really time saving.

1. Is there any chance you can add a search for a char facility? My map design covers 64x6400 chars and finding a rogue char is a logistical nightmare.

2. Is it possible to increase the re-tiling operation to utilise more than 65536 tiles. To tile my maps takes 102496 tiles which I can't with a limit of 65536. The only way I can create a tile map is to export the map, then import the map back into CharPad. The trouble is it then breaks the colour map.

I've also discovered a bug.  If I import a map of size 64x1250 it works fine. Increasing this over 1250 causes issues whereby graphic rows are missed and the imported image gets compressed. If the map was square 640x640 this issue doesn't occur.

(1 edit)


Thanks for the feedback and the bug report, I have saved a copy of your post and will look into these things.

Yes the size of a tile-set is currently limited to 65536 and a char-set is limited to 500,000, allowing more tiles would be simple enough, although the CTM project file format only supports 16-bit values (max 65536) for both chars and tiles, so you would still need to reduce the count before a project could be saved.

Was the bug you found seen when doing a binary file import of map data?

Anyway, I will try and look into these things before the next release.



    Thanks for your response.

Was the bug you found seen when doing a binary file import of map data? Yes.
