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Appreciate the support. Just wanted to clarify, while I'm flattered, there is no team: It's just me. And while that does mean all the money comes my way, it also means all the WORK does. Which includes not just all the things involved in making a game, but bugtesting, gameplay tweaking, advertising, and community relations and moderation (as we see here.) That's one of the reasons I don't have a Discord/Twitter etc. So it's six of one, half dozen of another, it balances out.


I hope this catches you well,

I respect that you're the one and only, as it were. That takes a lot of time and effort on your part for sure. I was working under the assumption that you either had help with technical/backend and/or audio mixing... or that you did it all yourself. It's interesting to see that I wasn't far off on that estimate.

That being said, it really is incredible especially considering that it is something you're working on alone. I know that I was able to get a couple hours off of the first game just running through it and another 6 being a completionist. While this is something I would be upset about if I bought an EA game for their price, I purchased something that was advertised as incomplete and a part of a greater whole with a pricepoint attached that, I hope, is enough that you're able to work on it comfortably at your discretion. We all deserve time to rest after all.

That being said, I'll be silently and eagerly awaiting the opportunity to buy the second chapter. ;3

Ah no worries, just wanted to clarify for the record! And wow, six hours! Generally I hope for about 2-3 hours of gameplay, though GT may be a little higher once it's finished. But I'm glad you've been enjoying it. And yeah, the hope is that most people will feel it's a reasonable price-point for what's on offer. It's enabled me to keep working on the game so far, and hopefully that continues. Still a lot more fun to be had.