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(1 edit) (+1)

Yep, that one is very good. No jumpscares, but there IS horror elements besides "fear of forget", and that is great. I liked storytelling very much, but there were moments were I as a player felt a little bit lost and too slow-moving (which can be interpreted in the context of the idea tho, hey, our games have the same "problem"-in-question).
I give high rates to this game because it made me feel feelings, and omg FINALLY good voice over, bravo. 
Final was a little bit confusing, may be it would be more impressive if we walked a little to find nothing in a place of the lighthouse? (Because when narrator said that there is none I was like "Ha?" Too soon IMHO) 
+ May be would be nice to see more importance of the lighthouse to the protagonist? How was she connected to this place? Why was it so special?
Overall, I liked it a lot. I give a lot of fives:)

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for playing! We actually feel the exact same about our game lol, but hey game jams are meant for games to be made quick haha. Great criticism! Will be sure to give your game a go!