The game was a cool concept/take on the Survivorslike.
I think the game needed a couple things explained slightly better. Even though the description on the page covered a bit of it, I wasn't expecting hitting the "sell souls" to end the game. Also, strange that just running out of time didn't sell the souls as well.
A timer on the attack and dash would have been nice. Side note: using the dash I accidentally aimed at the outside of the map and then got stuck on the border until I could dash again towards the center.
After going into the game, the "Exit Game" didn't work, and after ending the game and going to the "Main Menu", none of those buttons worked (in the HTML5 version).
It would have been nice if there were sound effects for actions. Also, having the people just "die of old age" seemed a little strange. Especially since they were dying so much faster than I could have harvested them, so it was almost worthless to try to attack and, instead, just run and dash like a mad man trying to collect all the souls.
A question (maybe I missed the answer somewhere), what was the point of the "Green" = Good and "Red" = Bad? I didn't quite understand how I was gaining those or what it meant gameplay-wise.
Anyway, hope this is helpful because it's definitely a good first-jam game!