Hello! Here are some notes I scribbled while playing:
The lines behind the initial dialog make reading harder
who is this character that is speaking to me, I miss a picture or a description
The text effect is a good idea but lacks polish, I'd like to see more rhythm and emotion on words (undertale has a ton of effects like that)
I, personally, dislike when games throw text on me without me even knowing what the game is about. Maybe consider a narration?
The humor is very specific, which can be a good thing because you have (hopefully) found your target audience
had to download it, it was laggy on my browser. I'd be careful with HTML, it can be frustrating for the player but not frustrating enough for them to download, which makes them play a crappy version of your game and be dissatisfied, even though perhaps they would have enjoyed the downloadable version of the game
I'd make absolutely clear which version to download, I wouldn't want to waste potential feedback on an older version of your game
The menu UX got me confused multiple times. I quit when I wanted to continue playing
The music and sfx are a tad loud, that's why I went to the menu
Didn't instantly understand what I had to do, I don't know what you did in the new version but I'd continue working on the onboarding, maybe use the menu to your advantage and make the player type to start playing? ( just a whacky idea, don't take it too serioud
It's not clear to me when I take damage , I know something bad happens when I miss, I know I take "damage" if I stay in a word for too long, but there isn't much predictability
On one hand you have centered your game in the "spreadsheet" theme, on the other hand I think you are exploring a lot more with the words, makes me want to get out of the sheets and go to the dungeons (wait... that didn't sound right haha)
I don't particularly appreciate that there isn't much exploration, in the sense that the words are already pretty much revealed
The game has potential and is a quirky idea which is great. I just think it's lacking interesting choices: why should I go to one word instead of another?
I've done a small research about roguelites and created this infographic at the beginning of the year, might be helpful: https://imgur.com/gallery/D5XFSbc