Thanks for playing.
I'll be honest it's really weird you ran into issues, in my testing I never had any issues with any of the socket interactors or anything like that and no invisible walls unless you got stuck inside of one of the weird walls but I thought I got it to a point where that wouldn't be possible with the collider set up. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of issues but most of them revolve around the actual multiplayer implementation and not having a good networked XR Socket solution etc. Likewise I'm surprised that it ran laggy as well, do you mind if I ask what specs or device you used? Parker has a fairly old PC at this point and said it was running fine on his, we were seeing like 72 fps(locked framerate due to headset refresh rate) on his, in editor, meaning it should only have been better. I myself had it at 144 in editor and it would even go up to almost 300 without VR (no refresh rate lock imposed by the headset). Parker also said it worked as well standalone as it did on his PC, so yeah not sure what happened there.
One bug I noticed and didn't fix is you can teleport through walls if you stick your arm through it before teleporting.
I'll be honest I haven't gotten to experience the story myself. I spent most of my time working on mechanics and the idea to add the tapes and stuff was a very late addition, I had to leave on the last day so the audio was done and put in by my team mates and I haven't yet heard them all.
Sorry we got you motion sick!