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That's a real "dark" game, lol. Think it fits perfectly for the theme.

At the first run i just tried to use the gun fire as flashlight from time to time. Saw that in your trailer, and think that's actually what we are supposed to do and what's a pretty clever game-mechanic. But not sure if it's a bug or intended, but the magazine which i took from behind my ears always had as much bullets as the one inside the gun. So, as soon as it reached 0 also the new magazines had no shots anymore...

So on the second run, tried to remember the way and after some time walking around nearly completely in the dark and a bit disoriented(i did not really see the blood in that darkness tbh^^), found the switch. That was actually pretty cool then, to discover what you before just could have imagined. 

But somehow did not found these 2 blue heads... or at least they seemed not really "blue" after turning the lights on, so not sure, if i really have completed it yet?

All in all a very good looking (as soon as turned lights on), fun and somehow spooky experience. Great job for your first VR game :-) 


Sorry about the ammo, it's not a bug  though. There are 2 ammo counts, the clip count and how much is stored, you increase the stored amount by loading the found mags into the gun, it is a bit clumsy and pulling empty mags from stored is not cool. So thanks, I will improve on that system. The heads are  on the upper levels.

ah ok. I saw the stairs, but somehow couldn't go upstairs... not sure, maybe have to try again then later^^ 

Cool, you have to teleport, it's tricky and not really worth it but thanks all the same. Did you find the easy one at the start?

Not sure, when i remember correctly, the story tells something, like you "fall down" or so? And i looked up and saw the broken ceiling and assumed that I'm probably in the basement. But didn't try to go up,there...